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Cruising celebrity: James Franco’s queer stardom, performance art, and Interior. Leather Bar.

机译:巡游名人:詹姆斯·佛朗哥(James Franco)的酷儿明星,行为艺术和室内装饰。皮革吧。



How’d you like to disappear?” the fatherly Capt. Edelson (Paul Sorvino) asks aspiring young cop Steve Burns (Al Pacino) when offering him the undercover murder assignment that forms the center of William Friedkin’s controversial film Cruising (1980). Chosen due to his physical resemblance to the victims of a serial killer haunting New York’s gay leather scene, Burns soon descends into a queer underworld of SM fetishism, pornography, and recreational sex.A generation later, the documentary Marina Abramovi?: The Artist is Present (Matthew Akers and Jeff Dupre, 2012) captures a discussion occurring among the spectators of the famed performance artist’s eponymous retrospective at New York’s Museum of Modern Art (March 14–May 31, 2010). A handsome, thirty-something man stands among the other museum attendees, casually chatting and watching from the wings as Abramovi? performs in the center of the large gallery space. Attempting to explain the difference between “performance art” and “acting,” the young man suggests (with considerable oversimplification) that the only similarity between performance art and traditional stage/screen acting is the physical presence of other viewers during the performance itself. “Are you an actor?” an older museum patron replies—unaware that the younger man is, in fact, movie star James Franco, who responds affirmatively with an amused smirk. In the presence of Abramovi?’s nearby performance, the white male Hollywood celebrity has himself “disappeared,” much to his apparent delight.
机译:您想如何消失?”父亲埃德森上尉(保罗·索维诺(Paul Sorvino))向有抱负的年轻警察史蒂夫·伯恩斯(史蒂夫·伯恩斯)(艾尔·帕西诺)提出了秘密谋杀任务,这是威廉·弗里德金有争议的电影《巡航》(1980)的中心。伯恩斯(Burns)因与纽约同性恋皮革界的一个连环杀手的受害者的身体相似而被选中,不久便陷入了SM拜物教,色情和娱乐性的酷黑世界。一代人之后,纪录片Marina Abramovi ?: The Artist is礼物(马修·阿克斯(Matthew Akers)和杰夫·杜普雷(Jeff Dupre,2012)在纽约现代艺术博物馆(2010年3月14日至5月31日)捕捉了这场著名表演艺术家同名回顾展的观众之间的讨论。一个英俊的,三十多岁的男人站在其他参加博物馆的人中间,随便聊天,从机翼旁注视着阿布拉莫维?在大型画廊空间的中心表演。这位年轻人试图解释“表演艺术”与“表演”之间的区别,但他认为(过于简化),表演艺术与传统舞台/银幕表演之间的唯一相似之处在于表演过程中其他观众的实际存在。 “你是个演员吗?”一位较老的博物馆顾客回答—并不知道这个年轻人实际上是电影明星詹姆斯·佛朗哥(James Franco),他以一种逗趣的笑容做出了肯定的回应。在阿布拉莫维(Abramovi?)附近的表演面前,白人白人好莱坞名人自己“消失了”,这令他明显感到高兴。



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