首页> 外文期刊>Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology >In Vitro Antidrug Susceptibility Testing of Candida Species Isolated from Aseptic Body Fluids

In Vitro Antidrug Susceptibility Testing of Candida Species Isolated from Aseptic Body Fluids




Candida species are opportunistic pathogenic fungi that colonize in the human body. They may cause diseases ranging from non-life-threatening mucosal Candida infections to life-threatening invasive candidiasis among people with the aggressive use of immunosuppressive agents, cytotoxic therapies, treatment with broad-spectrum antifungal agents, prolonged central venous catheterization, total parenteral nutrition, AIDS, diabetes, and drug abuse.The aim of this study was to describe the distribution and antifungal susceptibility of clinical Candida isolates obtained from sterile fluids of patients who suffered from candidiasis from 2008 to 2010.Vitek2 YST, CHROMagar Candida medium, and multiple PCR were used to identify the Candida species. The susceptibility testing to seven common antifungal agents, including amphotericin B, flucytosine, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, clotrimazole, and nystatin, was performed using the methodology recommended in the M27-A3 document of the clinical and laboratory standards institute (CLSI).A total of 149 clinical Candida isolates were obtained from sterile fluids at a hospital in China. Within these isolates, Candida albicans was the most predominant species (47.7%), followed by C. glabrata (26.8%) and C. tropicalis (13.4%). The sources of fungal isolates were urine (75.8%), blood (16.8%), drainage liquid (4%), hydrothorax and ascites (2%), cerebrospinal fluid (0.7%), and succus prostaticus (0.7%). All of the Candida isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B. In addition, 27.5% of the isolates were resistant to ketoconazole, 22.1% to itraconazole, and 17.4% to fluconazole. Furthermore, 16.8% (25/149) of the isolates exhibited a cross-resistance to azoles. Interestingly, we found one flucytosine-resistant C. albicans isolated from urine.Our findings indicate that a better preventive management and limited use of azole drugs are needed for Candida infections and further research is indispensable to identify cross-resistance mechanisms of azoles.
机译:念珠菌是在人体内定殖的机会致病真菌。在积极使用免疫抑制剂,细胞毒性疗法,广谱抗真菌剂治疗,长时间的中心静脉导管插入,全胃肠外营养,非肠道感染的黏膜念珠菌感染到致命的侵袭性念珠菌病患者中,它们可能引起多种疾病艾滋病,糖尿病和药物滥用本研究旨在描述从2008年至2010年患有念珠菌病的患者的无菌液体中获得的临床念珠菌分离株的分布和抗真菌药性.Vitek2 YST,CHROMagar Candida培养基和多重PCR被用来识别念珠菌的物种。使用临床和实验室标准协会(CLSI)的M27-A3文件中推荐的方法对7种常见抗真菌药进行药敏试验,包括两性霉素B,氟胞嘧啶,氟康唑,伊曲康唑,酮康唑,克霉唑和制霉菌素。在中国一家医院中,从无菌液体中获得了总计149种临床念珠菌分离株。在这些菌株中,白色念珠菌是最主要的物种(47.7%),其次是光滑念珠菌(C. glabrata)(26.8%)和热带念珠菌(C.tropicas)(13.4%)。真菌分离物的来源是尿(75.8%),血液(16.8%),引流液(4%),胸腹水(2%),脑脊液(0.7%)和前列腺水(0.7%)。所有念珠菌分离株均对两性霉素B敏感。此外,分离株对酮康唑的耐药率为27.5%,对伊曲康唑的耐药率为22.1%,对氟康唑的耐药率为17.4%。此外,有16.8%(25/149)的分离物表现出对唑类的交叉耐药性。有趣的是,我们发现了一种从尿液中分离出来的对氟胞嘧啶耐药的白色念珠菌。我们的发现表明,念珠菌感染需要更好的预防管理和有限的唑类药物使用,进一步的研究对于确定吡咯类化合物的交叉耐药机制必不可少。



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