首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Threatened Taxa >On the diversity of the vertebrate fauna (excluding fishes) of Panchet Hill (Garh Panchkot), Purulia, West Bengal, India

On the diversity of the vertebrate fauna (excluding fishes) of Panchet Hill (Garh Panchkot), Purulia, West Bengal, India

机译:印度西孟加拉邦Purulia Panchet Hill(Garh Panchkot)脊椎动物动物区系(鱼类除外)的多样性



The present study was conducted at Panchet Hill (Garh Panchkot), Purulia, West Bengal between June 2013 and May 2015. Multiple methods were used for making a consolidated checklist and comments on the relative abundance of vertebrate diversity, excluding fishes. The methods included hand capturing, extensive searches in micro habitats, opportunistic spotting and information collection from the local people. A total of 106 different vertebrate species were recorded during the study span of two years. Aves was recorded as the Class with the highest diversity (63 species) while Amphibia was recorded as the Class with the lowest diversity (9 species). Most of the species recorded during the present study belong to ‘Least Concern’ category as designated by IUCN. The Black-headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus and Striped Hyaena Hyaena hyaena belong to ‘Near Threatened’ category while the White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis belongs to ‘Critically Endangered’ category. The present study location is facing pressures from the usual anthropogenic interventions and needs attention from the concerned authorities.
机译:本研究于2013年6月至2015年5月在西孟加拉邦普鲁利亚的Panchet Hill(Garh Panchkot)进行。采用多种方法编制了综合清单,并对脊椎动物多样性相对丰富(不包括鱼类)进行了评论。这些方法包括抓手,在微生境中进行广泛搜索,机会性发现和从当地人那里收集信息。在两年的研究期间内,共记录了106种不同的脊椎动物。 Aves被记录为多样性最高的一类(63种),而两栖动物被记录为多样性最低的一类(9种)。在本研究中记录的大多数物种属于自然保护联盟指定的“最低关注”类别。黑头朱鹭朱鹭和黑斑鬣狗鬣狗属于“濒临灭绝”类别,而白腰rum秃G孟加拉则属于“极度濒危”类别。目前的研究地点正面临来自常规人为干预的压力,需要有关当局的重视。



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