首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Threatened Taxa >An avifaunal case study of a plateau from Goa, India: an eye opener for conservation of plateau ecosystems

An avifaunal case study of a plateau from Goa, India: an eye opener for conservation of plateau ecosystems




The lateritic plateaux typical of the midlands between the Western Ghats and the coastal plains of the Arabian Sea are known to be a unique ecosystem with a sizeable endemic flora. However, there is a total lack of studies on the faunal diversity of these plateaux, which are currently experiencing enormous anthropogenic pressures. We conducted a year-long study on the avifauna of the Taleigao Plateau, Goa. The Taleigao Plateau harbours 114 species of birds, accounting for 37% of the avifaunal diversity of the state. The resident bird population did not vary significantly through the seasons. Among the migrant birds, Rosy Starling Sturnus roseus was particularly partial to the plateau. Besides, five species of larks, grassland specialists were also recorded on the plateau. However, the absence of forest birds like the Malabar Pied Hornbill and the Indian Grey Hornbill (recorded earlier) and the predominance of habitat generalists like the House Crow and the Jungle Myna seemed to be the offshoot of heavy anthropogenic pressures on the plateau. It is recommended that at least some plateaux in the belt deserve to be protected from the impact of unsustainable developmental process
机译:西高止山脉和阿拉伯海沿海平原之间的中部地区典型的红土高原是一个独特的生态系统,拥有大量的特有植物。然而,对于这些高原动物区系多样性的研究尚缺乏,这些高原目前正承受着巨大的人为压力。我们对果阿塔莱高高原的鸟类进行了为期一年的研究。塔雷高高原上有114种鸟类,占该州鸟类总数的37%。在整个季节中,常驻鸟类数量没有明显变化。在迁徙的鸟类中,玫瑰色八哥玫瑰turn尤其是高原地区的一部分。此外,高原上还记录了五种百灵,草地专家。但是,缺少诸如马拉巴尔斑犀鸟和印度灰犀鸟(先前有记录)之类的森林鸟类,以及像House Crow和Jungle Myna这样的栖息地通才的优势,似乎是高原上人为沉重压力的产物。建议至少应保护皮带中的一些高原部分免受不可持续的发育过程的影响



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