首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Advances >Comparison of Bursal and Body Weights in Cockerels Vaccinated with a Live and Two Killed Vaccines Against Infectious Bursal Disease Virus.

Comparison of Bursal and Body Weights in Cockerels Vaccinated with a Live and Two Killed Vaccines Against Infectious Bursal Disease Virus.




This study was conducted to compare the changes in the bursal and body weights in commercial Isa brown cockerels vaccinated with a live and two killed infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccines. Two hundred and eighty, day old chicks were divided into four groups of seventy chicks each. Group 1, 2 and 3 were vaccinated with the live vaccine, killed vaccine (A) and killed vaccine (B), respectively, while group 4 was not vaccinated. Vaccination was conducted at 9 and 16 days of age. Five chicks from each group were sacrificed weekly from 2 to 37 days of age and the bursa to body weight ratio (BBWR) were determined. Twenty chicks from each group were challenged with a very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV) at 30 days of age. There was no significant difference in body weight in chicks vaccinated with the live and killed IBD vaccines but there was a significant decrease in the bursal body weight ratio of chicks in vaccinated with live vaccine at p value of 0.0001 and after challenge at p value of 0.0002. Histopathology lesion scoring (HLS) performed weekly from 2 to 37 days of age revealed that there was no significant difference in the histopathology lesions of all the chicks in all groups from day 2 to day 16 of age. From 23 to 37 days of age there was significant increase in the histopathology lesions in group 1 as compared to other groups and control at p value of 0.0001. In conclusion, the live vaccine caused bursal atrophy. Killed vaccine A and B did not have any adverse effect on the BF. Killed vaccines produced from intermediate plus strains of viruses are recommended for the control of IBD in Nigeria and the potential of live vaccines to cause immunosuppression should be investigated.
机译:进行这项研究的目的是比较接种活疫苗和两种杀灭性传染性法氏囊病疫苗的商业伊莎棕色公鸡的法氏囊和体重变化。将280只日龄雏鸡分为四组,每组70只雏鸡。第1、2和3组分别接种活疫苗,灭活疫苗(A)和灭活疫苗(B),而第4组未接种。在9天和16天大时进行疫苗接种。从2至37日龄每周处死每组五只小鸡,并测定法氏囊与体重之比(BBWR)。在30日龄时,每组的20只小鸡都受到极强的传染性法氏囊病病毒(vvIBDV)的攻击。接种活疫苗和灭活IBD疫苗的雏鸡的体重没有显着差异,但是接种活疫苗的雏鸡的法氏囊体重比显着降低,p值为0.0001,攻击后为0.0002 。从2日至37日龄每周进行组织病理学病变评分(HLS),发现从2日龄到16日龄,所有组中所有小鸡的组织病理学病变无显着差异。与其他组和对照组相比,第1组从23天到37天的组织病理学病变明显增加,p值为0.0001。总之,活疫苗引起法氏囊萎缩。灭活的疫苗A和B对高炉无任何不利影响。建议在尼日利亚控制IBD的过程中,使用中间加病毒株生产的灭活疫苗,并应研究活疫苗引起免疫抑制的潜力。



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