首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine >Synergistic gangrene of the breast in a patient with type 2 diabetes

Synergistic gangrene of the breast in a patient with type 2 diabetes




This article aims to highlight the importance of diagnosing serious soft tissue infections and instigating treatment rapidly.DECLARATIONSCompeting interestsNone declaredFundingNoneEthical approvalWritten informed consent to publication was obtained from the patient or next of kinGuarantorJPContributorshipJP summarized the case and performed the literature review; SS supervised and proofread the manuscriptReviewerFadi HajjajIntroduction Section:Synergistic gangrene is an uncommon soft tissue infection classically occurring at surgical sites. Primary cases are rare but a high index of suspicion is paramount in treating the disease successfully. We present the first case of primary synergistic gangrene affecting the breast which was successfully managed through a combination of resuscitation, parenteral antibiotics and surgery. It is reasonable to suggest that such cases may increase in incidence and all physicians treating soft tissue infections must be aware of this potentially fatal pathology.Case presentation Section:A 39-year-old woman with a history of type 2 diabetes, deep vein thrombosis, gastritis, schizophrenia and self-harm presented to the medical admissions unit with a one-week history of a right sub-mammary abscess followed by spreading cellulitis of the breast. On examination she was septic with a pyrexia of 39.2, blood pressure of 127/65 and tachycardia of 110. Examination of the breast revealed widespread cellulitis involving the nipple and sub-mammary area spreading to the axilla. Initial blood tests showed a white cell count of 23.8 (neutrophils 19.9) and CRP of 428. Simple cellulitis was diagnosed by the admitting physicians and she was commenced on parenteral antibiotics and fluid resuscitation. Her condition worsened despite intravenous benzyl penicillin and flucloxacillin. A surgical opinion was sought on day three when she had evidence of synergistic gangrene. The cellulitis had now spread and there were areas of growing necrotic ulceration (Figure 1). Resuscitation was commenced and antibiotic therapy was adjusted to imipenem and clindamycin based on local necrotizing fasciitis guidelines. She was taken to theatre within a few hours where a partial mastectomy was performed and the wound was left open and packed (Figure 2). Postoperatively she remained stable on intensive care. The following day she returned to theatre for further debridement. DownloadOpen in new tabDownload in PowerPointFigure 1 Preoperative and postoperative images of the right breast. Note the presence of the ulcerative necrotic areas which had rapidly appeared. Radical debridement was performed to eliminate all the diseased tissue and further debridement was performed the following dayDownloadOpen in new tabDownload in PowerPointFigure 2 After initial debridement. Extensive removal of diseased tissue was performed and is necessary to control the spread of infection. Secondary closure was subsequently performed on day 13 after her initial procedureThe wound was monitored closely and a vacuum dressing was applied to aid healing. Signs of sepsis improved and she returned to the ward on the fifth postoperative day. Nutritional supplements and adequate hydration were continued during her recovery. Secondary closure was performed on day 13 after the initial operation and there was no further breakdown or compromise of the remaining tissues.Preoperative cultures taken from the ulcers identified a mixture of gram positive and negative bacteria including Bacteroides spp (sensitive to metronidazole, clindamycin and imipenem). Histology confirmed widespread microscopic changes and abscess formation consistent with gangrene. There was no evidence of malignancy. Blood markers of infection progressively improved and there were no signs of secondary organ failure during her recovery.She was discharged 22 days after her initial admission. Intravenous antibiotics were administered for a total of 10 days after the first debridement which were changed to
机译:本文旨在强调诊断严重的软组织感染并迅速采取治疗措施的重要性。声明竞争利益未声明供资未得到伦理批准从患者或近亲kinkinantJP的书面知情同意书中获得了书面同意,JP对该病例进行了总结并进行了文献综述; SS监督并校对了稿件审稿人Fadi Hajjaj简介部分:协同坏疽是一种罕见的软组织感染,通常发生在手术部位。原发病例很少,但高度怀疑是成功治疗该疾病的关键。我们介绍了第一例影响乳房的原发性协同坏疽,这是通过复苏,肠胃外抗生素和手术相结合成功治疗的。有理由认为这种情况可能会增加发病率,并且所有治疗软组织感染的医生都必须意识到这种潜在的致命病理。病例介绍科:一名患有2型糖尿病,深静脉血栓形成史的39岁妇女出现在就诊的乳腺炎,乳腺炎,精神分裂症和自我伤害等方面,有右乳腺脓肿一个星期的病史,然后传播乳房蜂窝织炎。经检查,她患有败血症,发热为39.2,血压为127/65,心动过速为110。检查乳房后发现广泛的蜂窝组织炎,包括乳头和乳腺下区域扩散到腋窝。最初的血液检查显示白细胞计数为23.8(中性粒细胞为19.9),CRP为428。入院医师诊断为单纯性蜂窝织炎,她开始接受肠胃外抗生素和液体复苏。尽管静脉注射苄青霉素和氟氯西林,但她的病情恶化。当她有坏疽性增生的证据时,于第三天寻求手术意见。蜂窝织炎现在已经扩散,并且坏死性溃疡的区域不断扩大(图1)。开始复苏,并根据局部坏死性筋膜炎指南将抗生素治疗调整为亚胺培南和克林霉素。她在数小时内被送往剧院,在那里进行了部分乳房切除术,伤口被打开和包裹(图2)。术后她在重症监护室保持稳定。第二天,她回到剧院进行进一步的清创。图1右乳房的术前和术后图像注意迅速出现的溃疡性坏死区域的存在。进行根治性清创术以清除所有患病组织,并在第二天进行进一步的清创术下载在新标签中打开在PowerPoint中下载图2初始清创术后。进行了病变组织的广泛清除,这对于控制感染的传播是必不可少的。随后在其初始手术后的第13天进行第二次闭合。密切监测伤口,并应用真空敷料辅助愈合。败血症的迹象有所改善,术后第五天她回到病房。在她恢复期间继续进行营养补充和充足的水分。初次手术后第13天进行了第二次闭合手术,其余组织没有进一步破裂或受损。术前从溃疡中进行的培养确定了革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌的混合物,包括细菌杆菌(对甲硝唑,克林霉素和亚胺培南敏感) )。组织学证实,广泛的微观变化和脓肿形成与坏疽一致。没有证据表明有恶性肿瘤。康复期间血液中的感染标志物逐渐改善,没有继发器官功能衰竭的迹象。初次入院22天后出院。首次清创后静脉给药抗生素共10天,改为



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