首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Statistical Software >VNM: An R Package for Finding Multiple-Objective Optimal Designs for the 4-Parameter Logistic Model

VNM: An R Package for Finding Multiple-Objective Optimal Designs for the 4-Parameter Logistic Model




A multiple-objective optimal design is useful for dose-response studies because it can incorporate several objectives at the design stage. Objectives can be of varying interests and a properly constructed multiple-objective optimal design can provide user-specified efficiencies, delivering higher efficiencies for the more important objectives. In this work, we introduce the VNM package written in R for finding 3-objective locally optimal designs for the 4-parameter logistic (4PL) model widely used in education, bioscience and in the manufacturing industry. The package implements the methodology to construct multipleobjective optimal designs in Hyun and Wong (2015). As illustrative examples, we focus on a biomedical application where our objectives are to estimate: (1) the shape of the dose-response curve, (2) the median effective dose level (ED50) and (3) the minimum effective dose level (MED) in the 4PL model. Our VNM package uses a state-of-theart algorithm to generate multiple-objective optimal designs that meet the user-specified efficiency requirement for each objective, provides tools for calculating the efficiency of the generated design under each objective and also a plot for confirming optimality of the VNM-generated design. The package can also be used to determine an optimal scheme for allocating subjects to the various doses when the number and doses of the drug are fixed in advance.
机译:多目标优化设计可用于剂量反应研究,因为它可以在设计阶段纳入多个目标。目标可以有不同的兴趣,并且正确构造的多目标最佳设计可以提供用户指定的效率,从而为更重要的目标提供更高的效率。在这项工作中,我们介绍了用R编写的VNM软件包,用于为教育,生物科学和制造业中广泛使用的4参数逻辑(4PL)模型找到3目标局部最优设计。该软件包在Hyun和Wong(2015)中采用了构建多目标最优设计的方法。作为说明性示例,我们将重点放在生物医学应用上,我们的目标是估计:(1)剂量反应曲线的形状,(2)有效剂量中位数(ED50)和(3)最低有效剂量( MED)。我们的VNM软件包使用最新算法来生成满足每个目标用户指定效率要求的多目标最优设计,提供用于计算每个目标下生成的设计效率的工具,以及用于确认最优性的图表VNM生成的设计。当药物的数量和剂量预先固定时,该包装还可以用于确定将受试者分配给各种剂量的最佳方案。



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