首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry >Letters from Ainsworth: Contesting the ‘Organization’ of Attachment

Letters from Ainsworth: Contesting the ‘Organization’ of Attachment




As Main (1999) noted in her obituary for Mary Ainsworth, ‘she was interacting weekly by letter and manuscript with her mentor and friend, John Bowlby, and their academic correspondence formed an important part of her, and implicitly our, life.’ These letters of Ainsworth to John Bowlby during the 1980 s, available in the Wellcome Trust Library in London, contain valuable reflections on the work of her pupils to extend her system of classifying infant behaviour in the Strange Situation Procedure. Mary Main proposed a D classification and interpreted such behaviour as a breakdown in an ABC strategy caused by a conflict between a disposition to approach and flee from the caregiver. Patricia Crittenden extended the subtypes of A and C, using a developmental model of information processing, and observed that they could be used together in A/C combinations. These letters offer insight into Ainsworth’s intellectual rationale for encouraging both Main and Crittenden in their conflicting endeavours.
机译:正如Main(1999)在她对玛丽·安斯沃思(Mary Ainsworth)的ob告中指出的那样,“她每周与她的导师和朋友约翰·鲍尔比(John Bowlby)进行信件和手稿互动,他们的学术往来构成了她乃至我们生活的重要组成部分。” Ainsworth在1980年代给约翰·鲍比(John Bowlby)的信,可在伦敦的惠康图书馆(Wellcome Trust Library)中找到,对她的学生所做的工作进行了宝贵的反思,以扩展她在《特殊情况程序》中对婴儿行为进行分类的系统。玛丽·梅恩(Mary Main)提出了D级分类,并将这种行为解释为ABC策略中的一种故障,这种故障是由于处置方式和逃离照顾者之间的冲突引起的。 Patricia Crittenden使用信息处理的发展模型扩展了A和C的亚型,并观察到它们可以在A / C组合中一起使用。这些信件为Ainsworth鼓励Main和Crittenden相互冲突的努力提供了理智依据。



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