首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society >Synthesis of polyols from Mabea fistulifera Mart. (Euphorbiaceae) oil

Synthesis of polyols from Mabea fistulifera Mart. (Euphorbiaceae) oil

机译:由马贝斯·菲斯图里菲拉·玛特(Mabea fistulifera Mart)合成多元醇。 (大戟科)油



Mabea fistulifera Mart. (Euphorbiaceae) is an arboreal plant with height varying from 5 to 14 m, typical of secondary vegetation of sandy lands, mainly savannah. In Brazil, it is found in the Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and S?o Paulo States. Soxhlet extraction of M. fistulifera seeds with hexane provided an oil rich in tryacylglycerides of linolenic and linoleic acids, presenting iodine index of 182.15 g of I2 per 100 g of oil. In this study, the synthesis of polyols from M. fistulifera oil using an in situ hydroxylation procedure is described. Univariate assays were applied to determine the optimal reaction time of 720 min. In addition, a 22 factorial central composite design was carried out containing 12 experimental assays that allowed the investigation of different molar ratios of the reagents used in polyol synthesis, as well as the applicability of polyols for the preparation of rigid polyurethanes.
机译:Mabea fistulifera集市。 (Euphorbiaceae)是一种树状植物,高度在5至14 m之间,是典型的沙地次生植被的典型特征,主要是稀树草原。在巴西,可以在里约热内卢,米纳斯吉拉斯州和圣保罗州找到。用己烷的索氏提取法对纤梭菌种子进行萃取,得到的油富含亚麻酸和亚油酸的三酰基甘油酯,每100克油中的碘指数为182.15克I2。在这项研究中,描述了使用原位羟基化方法从粘连支原体油中合成多元醇。应用单变量测定法确定最佳反应时间为720分钟。此外,进行了22个析因中心复合材料设计,其中包含12个实验分析,可研究多元醇合成中所用试剂的不同摩尔比,以及多元醇在制备硬质聚氨酯中的适用性。



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