首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture >Yield and yield components of minituber potato under direct cultivation and transplanting

Yield and yield components of minituber potato under direct cultivation and transplanting




This research was performed to study the effect of direct planting and transplanting of potato minituber on its yield and yield components. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete blocks with nine treatments and three replications. Treatments were one direct and eight indirect planting. In order to prepare the nursery, two types of pots (peat and nylon) and four types of substrates including sand + peat moss (1:1), sand + Kimiya organic fertilizer (1:1), sand + vermicompost (1:1) and sand + farm soil (1:1) were used. Results showed that there was significant difference in regard to mean yield per plant, mean wet weight of tuber, number of tubers smaller and greater than 80 g, percent dry weight of tuber, biologic yield, starch percentage and nitrate content of tubers. The highest mean tuber yield per plant, number of tubers greater than 80 gr and biologic yield belonged to plants in nylon pots with substrate of sand + Kimiya organic fertilizer. The highest percentage of starch and tuber dry matter belonged to plants in peat pots with substrate of sand + soil. The highest mean wet weight of tubers belonged to nylon pots with substrate of sand + peat moss. The highest number of tubers lower than 80 g and the highest nitrate content was obtained by direct planting. The sand+ Kimiya organic fertilizer, which provides the necessary elements for plant growth, with more yield and number of marketable tubers, could be the best substrate as compared to other substrates used in this experiment. Keywords: Substrate, Peat moss, Organic fertilizer, Vermicompost Full-Text Type of Study: Applicable | Received: 2015/08/12 | Accepted: 2015/08/12 | Published: 2015/08/12 Send email to the article author Related Websites Scientific Publications Commission - Health Ministry Scientific Publications Commission - Science Ministry Yektaweb Company Site Keywords ?????, Academic Journal, Scientific Article, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ?? Vote ? 2015 All Rights Reserved | Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture -Isfahan University of Technology
机译:进行这项研究以研究马铃薯微型块茎的直接种植和移植对其产量和产量构成的影响。实验设计为随机的完整块,具有9种治疗方法和3种重复方法。处理方式为一次直接种植和八次间接种植。为了准备苗圃,准备了两种类型的盆(豌豆和尼龙)和四种类型的基质,包括沙子+泥炭藓(1:1),沙子+ Kimiya有机肥料(1:1),沙子+ com子(1:1) )和沙土+农田土壤(1:1)。结果表明,在单株平均产量,平均块茎湿重,小于或大于80 g的块茎数量,块茎干重百分比,生物产量,淀粉含量和块茎硝酸盐含量方面存在显着差异。每株植物的最高平均块茎产量,大于80 gr的块茎数量和生物产量均属于带有砂土+ Kimiya有机肥料的尼龙盆中的植物。淀粉和块茎干物质的最高比例属于泥炭盆中具有沙子和土壤基质的植物。块茎的最高平均湿重属于带有砂+泥炭藓基质的尼龙盆。通过直接种植可获得低于80 g的最大块茎和最高硝酸盐含量。与本实验中使用的其他基质相比,沙土+ Kimiya有机肥料为植物生长提供了必要的元素,具有更高的产量和适销的块茎数量,可能是最好的基质。关键字:基质,泥炭藓,有机肥料,Vermicompost全文研究类型:适用|收稿日期:2015/08/12 |接受:2015/08/12 |发布:2015/08/12发送电子邮件给文章作者相关网站科学出版物委员会-卫生部科学出版物委员会-科学部Yektaweb公司网站关键字??????,Academic Journal,Scientific Article,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ??投票吗? 2015版权所有|温室文化科学技术杂志-伊斯法罕工业大学



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