首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture >Effect of N, K and Mg on yield and fruit quality of strawberry (Fragaria×ananasa cv. Sun Rise) in hydroponic culture conditions

Effect of N, K and Mg on yield and fruit quality of strawberry (Fragaria×ananasa cv. Sun Rise) in hydroponic culture conditions




Soilless culture (hydroponic) and timely supply of plants’ essential nutrients will increase their quantitative and qualitative performance. To assess the impact of N, K and Mg on yield and fruit quality of strawberry (Fragaria×ananasa cv. Sun Rise) an experiment was performed which included control treatment (no fertilizer application), two levels of urea (100 and 200 mg/L per pot), two levels of potassium chloride (75 and 150 mg/L per pot) and two levels of magnesium sulfate (50 and 100 mg/L per pot), as a randomized complete blocks design with five replications, in the controlled greenhouse conditions, as hydroponic culture, in cocopeat+ perlite (50: 50 v/v) substrate. Traits such as number of florescence, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit weight, titrable acidity, soluble solids concentration, fruit firmness, fruit yield and total anthocyanin of the fruit were measured. The results showed that high level of magnesium sulfate significantly increased number of florescence, flowers and fruits. Application of low level of urea increased fruit weight significantly. Low level of potassium chloride increased significantly the concentration of soluble solids and fruit firmness, and high level of potassium chloride increased total anthocyanin of the fruits. None of the treatments had significant effect on titrable acidity of the strawberry. Keywords: Strawberry Cultivars San Rise, Hydroponic Culture, Strawberry Yield, Total Anthocyanin Fruit. Full-Text Type of Study: Research | Subject: Container Production and Growth Media Received: 2013/11/2 | Accepted: 2013/11/2 | Published: 2013/11/2 Send email to the article author Related Websites Scientific Publications Commission - Health Ministry Scientific Publications Commission - Science Ministry Yektaweb Company Site Keywords ?????, Academic Journal, Scientific Article, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ?? Vote ? 2015 All Rights Reserved | Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture -Isfahan University of Technology
机译:无土栽培(水培)和及时提供植物必需的营养素将提高其定量和定性性能。为了评估氮,钾和镁对草莓(Fragaria×ananasa cv。Sun Rise)产量和果实品质的影响,进行了一项实验,其中包括对照处理(不施肥),两种尿素水平(100和200 mg /每罐L),两水平的氯化钾(每罐75和150 mg / L)和两水平的硫酸镁(每罐50和100 mg / L),作为随机完整块设计,有五个重复,在对照中在cocopeat +珍珠岩(50:50 v / v)基质中作为水培栽培的温室条件。测量了诸如花序数,花数,果实数,果实重量,可滴定的酸度,可溶性固形物浓度,果实硬度,果实产量和果实的总花色苷等特性。结果表明,高含量的硫酸镁显着增加了花序,花朵和果实的数量。施用少量尿素会显着增加果实重量。较低的氯化钾水平显着增加了可溶性固形物的浓度和果实硬度,而较高的氯化钾水平则增加了果实中的总花色苷。没有一种处理对草莓的可滴定酸度有显着影响。关键词:草莓品种San Rise,水培栽培,草莓产量,总花青素果实。全文研究类型:研究|主题:集装箱生产和增长媒体收到时间:2013/11/2 |接受:2013/11/2 |发布:2013/11/2发送电子邮件给文章作者相关网站科学出版物委员会-卫生部科学出版物委员会-科学部Yektaweb公司网站关键字??????,Academic Journal,Scientific Article,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ??投票吗? 2015版权所有|温室文化科学技术杂志-伊斯法罕工业大学



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