首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources >Effects of Spawning Frequency and Density of Incubating Eggs on Egg and Larvae Survival Rates in Rainbow Trout

Effects of Spawning Frequency and Density of Incubating Eggs on Egg and Larvae Survival Rates in Rainbow Trout




To determine the effects of spawning frequency and density of incubating eggs on the survival rates of eggs and larvae in rainbow trout, five different groups of broodstocks with varying spawning frequencies were stripped. After fertilization, the percentage of survival at different stages of development, from eying, hatching to free swimming fry stages and also growth rates of larvae were determined. Moreover, the effects of incubating egg density (4000, 7000, 10000 per tray) on the different developmental stages of egg through free swimming larvae for each group of broodstock was studied. The study was carried out in a completely randomized design as a 5*5*3 factorial arrangement with three replicates. The results indicated that survival and growth rates are significantly correlated with spawning frequency (P Scientific Publications Commission - Health Ministry Scientific Publications Commission - Science Ministry Yektaweb Company Site Keywords ?????, Academic Journal, Scientific Article, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ?? Vote ? 2015 All Rights Reserved | JWSS - Isfahan University of Technology
机译:为了确定产卵频率和孵化密度对虹鳟鱼卵和幼体成活率的影响,剥去了五组不同产卵频率的亲鱼。受精后,确定从发育,孵化到自由泳苗阶段的不同发育阶段的存活百分比,以及幼虫的生长速率。此外,研究了每组亲鱼通过自由游泳幼虫孵化卵密度(每盘4000、7000、10000)对卵不同发育阶段的影响。该研究以5 * 5 * 3阶乘排列的完全随机设计进行,并进行了三个重复。结果表明存活率和生长速率与产卵频率显着相关(P科学出版物委员会-卫生部科学出版物委员会-科学部Yektaweb公司网站关键字?????,Academic Journal,Scientific Article,???????。 ??????,?????????????,?????????????,?????????????,?????????? ????,??????????,?????,投票?2015版权所有| JWSS-伊斯法罕工业大学



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