首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources >A Comparative Study on the Fecundity, Developmental Time and Adult Longevity of Walnut Aphid, Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt.), and its Parasitoid Wasp, Trioxys Pallidus (Hal.)

A Comparative Study on the Fecundity, Developmental Time and Adult Longevity of Walnut Aphid, Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt.), and its Parasitoid Wasp, Trioxys Pallidus (Hal.)

机译:核桃蚜(Chromaphis juglandicola(Kalt。)和其寄生蜂,黄蜂Trioxys Pallidus(Hal。))的繁殖力,发育时间和成年寿命的比较研究



Fertility, developmental time and adult longevity of walnut aphid, Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt.) and its parasitoid wasp, Trioxys pallidus (Hal.) were studied under controlled conditions with a constant temperature of 26±2oC, relative humidity of 60±5%, and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod. Populations of walnut aphid and parasitoid wasp were reared on walnut seedling in a growth chamber. The mean developmental period, daily fertility rate, and progeny sex ratio were combined to construct demographic life tables. From these tables, intrinsic natural rate of increase (rm), net reproductive rate (R0) and mean generation time (Tc) were calculated. The net reproductive rate (female offsprings per female per generation) and intrinsic rate of natural increase values were 34.69 and 0.278 in walnut aphid and 53.85 and 0.385 in parasitoid, respectively. The mean generation time was 12.75 days in walnut aphid and 10.35 days in parasitoid. Values of rw (weekly multiplication of the females) indicates that T. pallidus is able to multiply 14.81 times per week, whereas the population of walnut aphid multiplies by only 7.001 times in the same period. The population of parasitoids doubled within 1.8 days while the aphid took 2.49 days. Mean pre-imaginal period was 9.14±0.34 days for male and 9.16±0.12 days for female parasitoids on a mixture of different nymphal stages of host. In walnut aphid it was 9.30±0.10 days. The pre-imaginal periods of parasitoid decreases as the aphid host ages. Longevity of adult male and female was 6.17±0.22 and 6.87±0.23 days, respectively, and 12.24±0.94 days for walnut aphid. Keywords: Walnut aphid, Parasitoid wasp, Demographic life table Full-Text Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 Related Websites Scientific Publications Commission - Health Ministry Scientific Publications Commission - Science Ministry Yektaweb Company Site Keywords ?????, Academic Journal, Scientific Article, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ????? ??, ???? ?? Vote ? 2015 All Rights Reserved | JWSS - Isfahan University of Technology
机译:在控制温度为26±2oC,相对湿度为60±5%的恒温条件下,研究了胡桃蚜(Chromaphis juglandicola(Kalt。)和其寄生性黄蜂(Trioxys pallidus)(Hal。))的生育力,发育时间和成年寿命。和16:8(L:D)光周期。将核桃蚜虫和类寄生黄蜂种群在生长室中的核桃苗上饲养。结合平均发育期,每日生育率和后代性别比来构建人口寿命表。从这些表中,计算出内在的自然增长率(rm),净生殖率(R0)和平均生育时间(Tc)。核桃蚜虫的净繁殖率(每代雌性的雌性后代)和内在的自然增长值分别为胡桃蚜为34.69和0.278,副寄生虫为53.85和0.385。核桃蚜的平均发生时间为12.75天,寄生蜂的平均发生时间为10.35天。 rw(雌性每周繁殖)的值表明,梅毒螺旋体每周可繁殖14.81次,而同期核桃蚜虫的繁殖次数仅为7.001次。寄生蜂的数量在1.8天内增加了一倍,而蚜虫则需要2.49天。在宿主的不同若虫阶段的混合物中,男性的平均虚前期为9.14±0.34天,女性的寄生前为9.16±0.12天。核桃蚜为9.30±0.10天。随着蚜虫寄主的衰老,寄生前的假想期减少。成年男性和女性的寿命分别为6.17±0.22天和6.87±0.23天,核桃蚜虫的寿命为12.24±0.94天。关键词:核桃蚜虫,类寄生蜂,人口寿命表全文研究类型:研究|主题:一般收稿日期:2008/01/9相关网站科学出版物委员会-卫生部科学出版物委员会-科学部Yektaweb公司网站关键字??????,Academic Journal,Scientific Article,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ?????? ??,???? ??投票吗? 2015版权所有| JWSS-伊斯法罕工业大学



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