首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Surgical Case Reports >A case of ectopic liver tissue adherent to the gallbladder

A case of ectopic liver tissue adherent to the gallbladder




We report a case of a 30-year-old lady who presented to the emergency department with a 1 day history of severe epigastric pain which radiated to the back. Focused history, physical exam findings, haematological and radiological investigations, including ultrasound scanning of the abdomen, supported the diagnosis of acute gallstone pancreatitis. She was managed conservatively and underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy at a later date. Intraoperatively, there was noted to be a small nodule loosely adherent to the gallbladder serosa. Histology from this nodule revealed it to be a portion of anatomically normal liver parenchyma also referred to as ectopic liver tissue (ELT). ELT is a rare developmental abnormality in which normally functioning liver tissue develops at an extra-hepatic site. ELT is known to have an increased risk of neoplastic transformation and so we believe it to be of clinical importance.
机译:我们报告了一例30岁的女士,她在急诊科就诊,有1天的严重上腹痛病史,并放射到背部。集中的病史,体格检查结果,血液学和放射学检查(包括腹部超声检查)有助于诊断急性胆结石性胰腺炎。对她进行了保守治疗,并于以后进行了选择性腹腔镜胆囊切除术。术中发现有一个小结节松散地附着在胆囊浆膜上。该结节的组织学显示,它是解剖学正常的肝实质的一部分,也被称为异位肝组织(ELT)。 ELT是一种罕见的发育异常,其中正常功能的肝组织在肝外部位发育。已知ELT发生肿瘤转化的风险增加,因此我们认为它具有临床重要性。



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