首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine >Quantitative study of medicinal plants used by the communities residing in Koh-e-Safaid Range, northern Pakistani-Afghan borders

Quantitative study of medicinal plants used by the communities residing in Koh-e-Safaid Range, northern Pakistani-Afghan borders




The residents of remote areas mostly depend on folk knowledge of medicinal plants to cure different ailments. The present study was carried out to document and analyze traditional use regarding the medicinal plants among communities residing in Koh-e-Safaid Range northern Pakistani-Afghan border. A purposive sampling method was used for the selection of informants, and information regarding the ethnomedicinal use of plants was collected through semi-structured interviews. The collected data was analyzed through quantitative indices viz. relative frequency citation, use value, and family use value. The conservation status of medicinal plants was enumerated with the help of International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Categories and Criteria (2001). Plant samples were deposited at the Herbarium of Botany Department, University of Peshawar for future reference. One hundred eight informants including 72 male and 36 female were interviewed. The informants provided information about 92 plants species used in the treatment of 53 ailments. The informant reported maximum number of species used for the treatment of diabetes (16 species), followed by carminatives (12 species), laxatives (11 species), antiseptics (11 species), for cough (10 species), to treat hepatitis (9 species), for curing diarrhea (7 species), and to cure ulcers (7 species), etc. Decoction (37 species, i.e., 40%) was the common method of recipe preparation. Most familiar medicinal plants were Withania coagulans, Caralluma tuberculata, and Artemisia absinthium with relative frequency (0.96), (0.90), and (0.86), respectively. The relative importance of Withania coagulans was highest (1.63) followed by Artemisia absinthium (1.34), Caralluma tuberculata (1.20), Cassia fistula (1.10), Thymus linearis (1.06), etc. This study allows identification of novel uses of plants. Abies pindrow, Artemisia scoparia, Nannorrhops ritchiana, Salvia reflexa, and Vincetoxicum cardiostephanum have not been reported previously for their medicinal importance. The study also highlights many medicinal plants used to treat chronic metabolic conditions in patients with diabetes. The folk knowledge of medicinal plants species of Koh-e-Safaid Range was unexplored. We, for the first time, conducted this quantitative study in the area to document medicinal plants uses, to preserve traditional knowledge, and also to motivate the local residents against the vanishing wealth of traditional knowledge of medicinal flora. The vast use of medicinal plants reported shows the significance of traditional herbal preparations among tribal people of the area for their health care. Knowledge about the medicinal use of plants is rapidly disappearing in the area as a new generation is unwilling to take interest in medicinal plant use, and the knowledgeable persons keep their knowledge a secret. Thus, the indigenous use of plants needs conservational strategies and further investigation for better utilization of natural resources.
机译:偏远地区的居民大多依靠民间对药用植物的了解来治愈各种疾病。进行本研究是为了记录和分析关于巴基斯坦-阿富汗北部边界的Koh-e-Safaid Range山脉社区中药用植物的传统用途。目的性抽样方法用于选择线人,并且通过半结构化访谈收集有关植物的民族用途的信息。收集的数据通过定量指标进行分析。相对频率引文,使用价值和家庭使用价值。在国际自然保护联盟红色名录类别和标准(2001)的帮助下,对药用植物的保护状况进行了列举。将植物样品存放在白沙瓦大学植物标本室的植物标本室,以备将来参考。采访了包括72名男性和36名女性在内的108名线人。线人提供了有关用于治疗53种疾病的92种植物的信息。线人报告说,用于治疗糖尿病的最大物种数量(16种),其次是胭脂红剂(12种),泻药(11种),防腐剂(11种),咳嗽(10种)和肝炎(9种)。 )(用于治疗腹泻(7种)和治疗溃疡(7种)等)。煎剂(37种,即40%)是配方制备的常用方法。最常见的药用植物是Withania glutans,Caralluma tuberculata和Artemisia absinthium,其相对频率分别为(0.96),(0.90)和(0.86)。 WithWithania glutans的相对重要性最高(1.63),其次是苦艾蒿(1.34),结核菌(Caralluma tuberculata)(1.20),决明子瘘(1.10),线性胸腺(1.06)等。这项研究可以鉴定植物的新用途。先前尚未报道过冷杉冷杉,蒿属,南美白桦,反射丹参和心律草(Vincetoxicum cardiostephanum)的药用价值。该研究还强调了许多用于治疗糖尿病患者慢性代谢疾病的药用植物。尚未开发关于科伊萨法德山脉药用植物的民间知识。我们第一次在该地区进行了定量研究,以记录药用植物的使用,保存传统知识,并激励当地居民抵制传统药用植物知识的消失。据报道,药用植物的大量使用表明该地区部落人民对他们的医疗保健具有重要意义。由于新一代人不愿对药用植物的使用感兴趣,因此有关该地区药用植物的知识正在迅速消失,知识渊博的人将其知识保密。因此,本地使用植物需要保护战略和进一步调查以更好地利用自然资源。



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