首页> 外文期刊>Journal of reproduction and fertility >Effect of removal of lambs or treatment with bromocriptine on plasma concentrations of prolactin and FSH during the post-partum period in ewes lambing at different times during the breeding season

Effect of removal of lambs or treatment with bromocriptine on plasma concentrations of prolactin and FSH during the post-partum period in ewes lambing at different times during the breeding season




Summary. Daily determinations of FSH and prolactin in plasma were made for 10–12 weeks after parturition in ewes which lambed either in the middle of (December) or late in (February) the breeding season. Fluctuations in the plasma concentrations of FSH could not be related to the time after parturition or to the occurrence or otherwise of oestrus and ovulation. However, there was evidence of an increased secretion of prolactin post partum but only in those ewes which lambed in February. The lack of an elevated level of prolactin during the post-partum period in the December-lambing ewes was associated with an earlier return to oestrus by these animals. The suppression of prolactin concentrations by treatment with bromocriptine to undetectable values in the December-lambing ewes was not associated with an earlier return to oestrus. The removal of lambs at various times post partum from those ewes which lambed in February was not associated with any marked changes in prolactin secretion. The results suggest that when the plasma concentrations of prolactin are low post partum there is a greater likelihood of an earlier resumption of breeding activity in the ewe.
机译:概要。母羊分娩后在繁殖季节中旬(12月中旬)或后期(2月下旬)产羔,在10-12周内每日测定血浆中的FSH和催乳激素。 FSH血浆浓度的波动与分娩后的时间或发情和排卵的发生与否无关。然而,有证据表明,产后催乳素分泌增加,但仅在二月份产羔的母羊中。在12月产羔羊的母羊产后,泌乳素水平的升高与这些动物较早返回发情有关。通过用溴隐亭治疗将催乳素浓度抑制到12月产羔羊母羊中无法检测到的值,与早发情有关。产后不同时间从二月份产羔的母羊中除去羔羊与催乳素分泌的任何明显变化无关。结果表明,当催乳素的血浆浓度在产后较低时,母羊中恢复繁殖活性的可能性就更大。



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