首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS >A? Moran’s I Autocorrelation and Hot Spot Analysis for Identifying and Predicting Diarrheal Disease Cases around Sixty-Seven Community Wells in West Pokot County, Kenya

A? Moran’s I Autocorrelation and Hot Spot Analysis for Identifying and Predicting Diarrheal Disease Cases around Sixty-Seven Community Wells in West Pokot County, Kenya




Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure is crucial to the health of every community. Globally, rural communities disproportionately lack improved drinking water and sanitation facilities compared to urban communities. West Pokot County, Kenya has a population of 512,690 people of which 91.7% live in rural areas. The Pokot people, the main people group residing in West Pokot County, depend on communal wells, rivers, and other surface water sources presenting the opportunity to consume pathogens and induce diarrheal diseases. Harvester’s International works with Pokot leaders to install community wells to provide an improved drinking water alternative to surface water in order to break the diarrheal disease transmission cycle. Community health epidemiological and spatial data from 67 communities in West Pokot County were assessed using autocorrelation and hot spot analysis in GIS software to identify geographical locations of reported cases of diarrheal diseases and to predict diarrheal disease cases across the entire county. The hot spot analysis revealed five hot spots and one cold spot and predicted additional hot spots in the southwest region of the county. This map is useful to target the specific locations for public health interventions to control and eliminate diarrheal diseases in West Pokot County. Future studies should include more spatial data points to improve the validity and reliability of the prediction map.
机译:水,卫生与卫生(WASH)基础设施对于每个社区的健康至关重要。在全球范围内,与城市社区相比,农村社区严重缺乏改善的饮用水和卫生设施。肯尼亚的西波科特县人口512,690人,其中91.7%生活在农村地区。珀科特人是居住在西珀科特县的主要人种,他们依靠公共水井,河流和其他地表水源,从而有机会消灭病原体并诱发腹泻病。 Harvester International与Pokot领导人合作,安装社区水井,以改善地表水的饮用水替代状况,以打破腹泻疾病的传播周期。使用自相关和GIS软件中的热点分析评估了西波科特县67个社区的社区卫生流行病学和空间数据,以识别报告的腹泻病病例的地理位置并预测整个县的腹泻病病例。热点分析揭示了该县西南地区的五个热点和一个热点,并预测了其他热点。该地图可用于针对公共卫生干预措施的特定位置,以控制和消除西珀科特县的腹泻病。未来的研究应包括更多的空间数据点,以提高预测图的有效性和可靠性。



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