首页> 外文期刊>Journal of reproduction and fertility >Independence of progesterone blockade of the luteinizing hormone surge in ewes from opioid activity at naloxone-sensitive receptors

Independence of progesterone blockade of the luteinizing hormone surge in ewes from opioid activity at naloxone-sensitive receptors




Summary. Fifteen ovariectomized ewes were treated with implants (s.c.) creating circulating luteal progesterone concentrations of 1·6 ± 0·1 ng ml?1 serum. Ten days later, progesterone implants were removed from five ewes which were then infused with saline for 64 h (0·154 mol Nacl 1?1, 20 ml h?1, i.v.). Ewes with progesterone implants remaining were infused with saline (n = 5) or naloxone (0·5 mg kg?1 h?1, n = 5) in saline for 64 h. At 36 h of infusion, all ewes were injected with oestradiol (20 μg in 1 ml groundnut oil, i.m.). During the first 36 h of infusion, serum luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were similar in ewes infused with saline after progesterone withdrawal and ewes infused with naloxone, but with progesterone implants remaining (1·23 ± 0·11 and 1·28 ± 0·23 ng ml?1 serum, respectively, mean ± sem, P > 0·05). These values exceeded circulating LH concentrations during the first 36 h of saline infusion of ewes with progesterone implants remaining (0·59 ± 0·09 ng ml?1 serum, P < 0·05). The data suggested that progesterone suppression of tonic LH secretion, before oestradiol injection, was completely antagonized by naloxone. After oestradiol injection, circulating LH concentrations decreased for about 10 h in ewes of all groups. A surge in circulating LH concentrations peaked 24 h after oestradiol injection in ewes infused with saline after progesterone withdrawal (8·16 ± 3·18 ng LH ml?1 serum). At the same time, circulating LH concentrations in ewes infused with saline or naloxone, but with progesterone implants remaining, were similar to concentrations observed before injection (0·91 ± 0·27 and 1·35 ± 0·28 ng LH ml?1 serum, respectively). The results suggested that naloxone antagonism of opioid-dependent progesterone suppression of LH secretion was not equivalent to progesterone withdrawal. It was concluded that progesterone blockade of oestradiol positive feedback on LH secretion in ewes does not depend upon endogenous opioid peptide activity at naloxone-sensitive receptors.
机译:概要。用植入物(s.c.)处理了十五只切除卵巢的母羊,形成了浓度为1·6±0·1 ng ml?1血清的黄体孕酮。十天后,从五头母羊中取出孕酮植入物,然后将其注入盐水64小时(0·154 mol Nacl 1?1,20 ml h?1,静脉注射)。将剩余孕酮植入物的母羊在生理盐水中注入生理盐水(n = 5)或纳洛酮(0·5 mg·kg·1 h·1,n = 5)注入64 h。输注36小时后,向所有母羊注射雌二醇(20 ml在1 ml花生油中的i.m.)。在输注的前36小时内,在撤除孕酮后注入盐水的母羊和注入纳洛酮的母羊,血清黄体生成激素(LH)浓度相似,但剩余孕酮植入物(1·23±0·11和1·28±0 ·23 ng ml?1血清分别为平均值±sem,P> 0·05)。这些值超过了在母羊生理盐水注入的前36小时内的循环LH浓度,剩余的孕酮植入物(0·59±0·09 ng ml?1血清,P <0·05)。数据表明,雌二醇注射前,孕酮对强直性LH分泌的抑制作用被纳洛酮完全拮抗。雌二醇注射后,各组母羊的循环LH浓度下降约10小时。雌激素注射后,雌激素注射后的母羊体内雌二醇(8·16±3·18 ng LH ml?1血清)的循环LH浓度峰值达到峰值。同时,注入盐水或纳洛酮但剩余孕激素植入物的母羊中的循环LH浓度与注射前观察到的浓度相似(0·91±0·27和1·35±0·28 ng LH ml?1血清)。结果表明,纳洛酮对阿片样物质依赖的孕激素抑制LH分泌的作用并不等同于孕激素的戒断。结论是,孕酮对雌激素对雌激素LH分泌的正反馈阻断作用不依赖于纳洛酮敏感受体的内源性阿片肽活性。



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