首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >Survey of Foliar Trichomes in Combretum Loelf. (Combretaceae) in Parts of West Africa

Survey of Foliar Trichomes in Combretum Loelf. (Combretaceae) in Parts of West Africa

机译:Combretum Loelf的叶Trichomes调查。 (Combretaceae)在西非部分地区



We studied the foliar trichome types, density and distribution among the genus Combretum Loelf. in parts of West Africa. Fresh and herbarium specimens were used. These specimens were fixed, peeled, trichome types identified and micro-photographed using a Leica WILD MPS 52 microscope camera on a Leitz Diaplan microscope. Generally, two major trichome groups were identified among these species studied. These include glandular trichomes: multicellular gland head with uniseriate stalk (MGU), cylindrical uniseriate clavate trichome (CUCT), unicellular gland with unisariate stalk (UGHU), cylindrical uniseriate trichome (CUT), paltate gland head (PGH) and combretaceous eglandular (non-glandular) conical trichome (long and short types). The eglandular trichome types were the most widely distributed trichome found in the species and could be used to distinguish the genus. They occurred in all the species studied except C. glutinosum and C. micranthum. Among the glandular trichomes, cylindrical uniseriate trichome was the most dominant occurring in 11 species namely; C. aculeatum, C. bracteatum, C. collinum subsp. binderianum, C. collinum subsp. hypopilinum, C. constrictum, C. capitatum, C. hispidum, C. nigricans, C. panuculatum, C. platypterum and C. zenkeri. This is followed by multicellular gland head with uniseriate stalk (MGU) trichome type which occurred in 9 species (C. bracteatum, C. collinum subsp. binderianum, C. collinum subsp. hypopilinum, C. constrictum, C. excelsum, C. hispidum, C. mooreanum, C. platypterum and C. racemosum). The trichome density varied from 1.25±0.44 trichomes per 100 cells to 600 trichomes per 100 cells. The distribution/occurrence, density and type of these trichomes formed dependable character for delimitating Combretum species. The findings of this study showed that trichomes provide good taxonomic characters useful for in differentiating the genus Combretum in West Africa.
机译:我们研究了Combretum Loelf属中的叶毛类型,密度和分布。在西非部分地区。使用了新鲜的标本室标本。使用Leitz Diaplan显微镜上的Leica WILD MPS 52显微镜相机对这些标本进行固定,去皮,毛状体识别并进行显微照相。通常,在所研究的这些物种中,确定了两个主要的毛家庭。这些包括腺毛:带有单生茎的多细胞腺头(MGU),圆柱形单生棒状毛状体(CUHU),带有单生茎的单细胞腺(UGHU),圆柱形单生毛状体(CUT),alt状头(PGH)和白垩纪的腺体(非-腺状)的三角毛(长和短类型)。三角毛类型是在物种中分布最广泛的毛状体,可用于区分属。它们发生在除谷氨酸棒杆菌和微芽孢杆菌以外的所有研究物种中。在腺毛中,圆柱形单性毛是11种中最主要的。 C. aculeatum,C。bracteatum,C。collinum亚种。粘多糖,C。collinum亚种。 hypopilinum,C。constrictum,C。capitatum,C。hispidum,C。nigricans,C。panuculatum,C。platypterum和C. zenkeri。其次是多细胞腺头,有单性茎(MGU)毛状体类型,出现在9种物种中(C. bracteatum,C。collinum subsp。bondianum,C。collinum hypopilinum,C。constrictum,C.excelsum,C。hispidum ,C。mooreanum,C。platypterum和C.racemosum)。毛状体密度从每100个细胞1.25±0.44个毛状体到每100个细胞600个毛状体。这些毛状体的分布/发生,密度和类型形成了界定Combretum物种的可靠特征。这项研究的结果表明,毛状体提供了良好的分类学特征,可用于区分西非Combretum属。



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