首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >Cellular Calcium Distribution Modulates the Growth of Callus and Protoplasts of Halophyte Mangrove Plant, Avicennia Alba - an X-ray Microanalysis

Cellular Calcium Distribution Modulates the Growth of Callus and Protoplasts of Halophyte Mangrove Plant, Avicennia Alba - an X-ray Microanalysis

机译:细胞钙的分布调节了Avicennia Alba盐生植物红树林植物愈伤组织和原生质体的生长-X射线显微分析



Two cultured cell lines were developed from cotyledons of a halophyte mangrove, Avicennia alba.In the high-Ca callus line, which was sub-cultured in amodified amino acid medium containing 3 mM CaCl2, growth of calluses and their protoplasts were both inhibited by low concentrations of CaCl2 in the culture medium. Removal of Ca2+ from the culture medium stimulated callus growth and the calluses could be sub-cultured without CaCl2 (low-Ca callus line). The intra- (cytoplasmic matrix and vacuole) and extra- (cell wall) cellular concentrations of elements, i.e., [Ca], [K], [Cl], [Na], [Mg], [P] and [S] were investigated using quantitative X-ray microanalysis of cryosections of calluses from bothcell lines. [Ca] was high in the cytoplasmic matrix and cell wall of the high-Ca line. [Ca] was lowered in the low-Calineinall cell compartments, though still detected. Ca-containing electron-dense precipitates were accumulated in the middle lamella of cell walls in resin-embedded sections of the high-Ca line. CaCl2 in the medium stimulated protoplast growth only in the low-Caline. These results suggested that a low cellular [Ca] is needed for protoplasts growth of A. alba. The importance of cellular [Ca] for the growth of halophilic mangrove plant cells was discussed.
机译:从盐生植物红树林的子叶(Avicennia alba)的子叶中开发了两个培养的细胞系。在高Ca愈伤组织中,将其在含有3 mM CaCl2的改良氨基酸培养基中继代培养,愈伤组织及其原生质体的生长都受到低水平的抑制。培养基中CaCl2的浓度。从培养基中除去Ca 2+刺激了愈伤组织的生长,并且可以在没有CaCl 2(低Ca愈伤组织系)的情况下继代培养愈伤组织。元素的内部(细胞质基质和液泡)和细胞外(细胞壁)浓度,即[Ca],[K],[Cl],[Na],[Mg],[P]和[S]用定量X射线显微分析对两种细胞系的愈伤组织进行冷冻切片研究。 [Ca]在高Ca系的细胞质基质和细胞壁中高。尽管仍然可以检测到,但Calineinall细胞隔室中的[Ca]降低了。含Ca的电子致密沉淀物聚集在高Ca线的树脂包埋区的细胞壁中层。培养基中的CaCl2仅在低盐碱中刺激原生质体生长。这些结果表明,较低的细胞[Ca]对于白曲霉的原生质体生长是必需的。讨论了细胞[Ca]对嗜盐红树林植物细胞生长的重要性。



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