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Jenkins, Review of Laura J. Faulk’s “Destructive Maternity in Aurora Leigh”

机译:詹金斯(Jenkins),劳拉·福克(Laura J. Faulk)的“极光破坏性产妇”评论



Feminist readings of Aurora Leigh (1856) are de rigueur. Indeed, as Laura J. Faulk acknowledges, "feminists revived Barrett Browning's poem in the 1970s after years of obscurity" (42). Yet, Faulk's essay suggests that most of these critics, though obsessed with Elizabeth Barrett Browning's romance and marriage, have neglected to discuss her difficult experiences with pregnancy. They have also overlooked the division of the poem into nine sections, "a significant number considering Aurora Leigh's connection with motherhood" (52). Faulk's essay is not the first work to discuss writing, rape, prostitution, and childbirth in the poem as separate concerns; she cites articles by Deborah Byrd, Mairi Calcraft-Rennie, Deidre David, Linda Lewis, Dorothy Mermin and several others. But Faulk hopes to redirect critical attention away from ubiquitous discussions of the dangers of childbirth for Victorian women, and towards the equally damaging before and after: the violent physical effects of pregnancy (sometimes exacerbated by rape or prostitution) and self- sacrificial mothering as akin to being "buried alive" (45).
机译:奥罗拉·利(Aurora Leigh)(1856年)的女权主义读本很严格。确实,正如劳拉·福克(Laura J. Faulk)所承认的那样,“女权主义者经过多年的默默无闻地复兴了巴雷特·布朗宁(Barrett Browning)的诗”(42)。然而,福克的文章表明,这些评论家中的大多数人虽然痴迷伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁的浪漫和婚姻,却忽略了讨论她怀孕的艰难经历。他们也忽略了将诗歌划分为九个部分的过程,“考虑到Aurora Leigh与母亲的联系,这是一个很大的数字”(52)。福克的文章不是将诗歌中的写作,强奸,卖淫和分娩作为单独的关注点进行讨论的第一部著作。她引用了黛博拉·伯德(Deborah Byrd),马里·卡莱夫特尔·雷尼(Mairi Calcraft-Rennie),戴德·戴维(Deidre David),琳达·刘易斯(Linda Lewis),多萝西·梅尔敏(Dorothy Mermin)等几篇文章。但是福克希望把注意力从对维多利亚州妇女分娩的危险的普遍讨论上转移到维多利亚州妇女分娩前后的同等损害:怀孕的暴力身体影响(有时由于强奸或卖淫而加剧)和类似的自我牺牲母亲被“活埋”(45)。



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