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Review of Kay Young’s “’Wounded by Mystery’: Dickens and Attachment Theory”

机译:评论凯·杨(Kay Young)的《受伤的奥秘:狄更斯与依恋理论》



Dickens's coterie of orphans, mistreated children and woeful caregivers certainly seem ripe for the insights of relational psychoanalysis. For Young, Bleak House anticipates and confirms "the significance of the mother-child relation to identity formation" (237). However, we do not necessarily require the occasionally banal insights from relational psychoanalysis to appreciate that Esther's harsh early life has sculpted a personality marked by self-abnegation and compensatory caregiving. Furthermore, Young's analysis perhaps underappreciates that Esther is more insightful, critical and self-reflexive than her own narrative persona (consciously.) reveals. Psychoanalysing Dickens's characters also assumes a high level of mimetic realism in Dickens's work, downplaying his melodramatic representation of character and locating in his fiction universal psychological truths that 'prove' the insights of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic accounts also tend to foreground (and pathologise) the individual psyche, neglecting historical, social and cultural determinants; Esther's 'malattunement' is, arguably, densely interwoven with historically particular socio-sexual norms. Indeed, the validity of universalising applications of psychoanalytic ideas might be queried here. While psychoanalysis offers a rich, imaginative mode for understanding Dickens's characters, it may be more useful for scholars working in the field of literature and science to excavate the medico-scientific and literary-artistic contexts in which he developed his representations of the human mind. Juliet John, for example, has persuasively argued that Dickens's use of a melodramatic aesthetics precludes the sort of depth psychology that is the foundation of psychoanalysis. Dickens's work, in other words, may actually challenge and undo some of the assumptions that underpin psychoanalysis, complicating its supposed universality. Despite these ongoing critical debates, this well-crafted, intelligent and insightful article usefully expands psychoanalytic and feminist accounts of loss, attachment and identity in Dickens's novels, while making a stimulating contribution to those modes of critical analysis
机译:对于关系心理分析的见解,狄更斯的孤儿院,受虐待的孩子和可悲的照料者无疑似乎已经成熟。对于年轻的人来说,荒凉的房子预见并证实了“母子关系对身份形成的重要性”(237)。但是,我们不一定需要从关系心理分析中偶尔得出一些平庸的见解,以了解以斯帖的恶劣生活塑造了一个以自我宽容和补偿性照顾为特征的人格。此外,Young的分析也许没有充分认识到Esther比她自己的叙事角色(有意识地)揭示的更具有洞察力,批判性和自我反省。对狄更斯的角色进行心理分析也假定狄更斯的作品具有很高的模仿真实感,淡化了他对角色的叙事表现,并在小说中找到了普遍的心理真理,以“证明”精神分析的见解。精神分析学也倾向于忽视个人的心理,并忽略了历史,社会和文化的决定因素。可以说,以斯帖的“失灵”与历史上特定的社会性别规范紧密地交织在一起。确实,这里可能会质疑普遍应用精神分析思想的有效性。精神分析为理解狄更斯的性格提供了丰富而富于想象力的模式,但对于从事文学和科学领域研究的学者来说,挖掘他在其中发展自己的人类思想的医学科学和文学艺术语境可能更有用。例如,朱丽叶·约翰(Juliet John)有说服力地指出,狄更斯对戏剧性美学的使用排除了作为心理分析基础的深度心理学。换句话说,狄更斯的工作实际上可能挑战和推翻一些支持心理分析的假设,从而使它的普遍性复杂化。尽管进行了这些批判性辩论,但这篇精心制作,聪明而有见地的文章有效地扩大了狄更斯小说中关于丧失,依恋和身份的心理分析和女权主义叙述,同时对这些批判分析模式做出了令人鼓舞的贡献



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