首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology >Incorporating critical fault properties controlling hydrocarbon accumulation in 3D basin and petroleum system modelling: a case study in the northern North Sea

Incorporating critical fault properties controlling hydrocarbon accumulation in 3D basin and petroleum system modelling: a case study in the northern North Sea




Fault properties are very important parameters in migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins. However, there are still several different schools of thought on how to incorporate such prospect-bounding fault properties into petroleum system migration and modelling studies. This paper investigates how shale gouge ratio (SGR), which defines the sealingon-sealing capacity of faults, can be incorporated in basin modelling using the Gullfaks, Visund, Kvitebjorn and Huldra fields in the northern North Sea as a case study. The paper also presents the results from the most likely model representing the present day reality in the basin by varying the faults properties defined by SGR until the reserves-in-place in the four fields are obtained. Our results show that gas accumulations are more sensitive to SGR than the oil accumulations. The oil accumulation in the Gullfaks field is controlled by three main faults. The first fault bounding the field is a non-sealing fault with SGR?=?10%. The second fault located further south in the field is a sealing fault, and the third fault located in the north is a non-sealing fault. A NE–SW non-sealing trending fault controls the hydrocarbon accumulation in the Visund field. In the Kvitebj?rn field, another NE–SW trending fault surrounding the field with an SGR of 30% controls the hydrocarbon accumulation. The gas-in-place in the Huldra field is controlled by two N–S trending faults. The first fault is located in the west of the field and is defined by SGR of 40%, while the second fault is defined as open. Analysis of the burial history curves of the most likely petroleum system model obtained after the fault properties modelling shows that the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous uplift in the basin is more pronounced in the footwall of the triple rift graben system in the basin. In the same period, the axis of the graben system is characterized by non-deposition of sediments.
机译:断层性质是沉积盆地油气运移和聚集的重要参数。但是,关于如何将这种具有前途的断层性质纳入石油系统的运移和模拟研究中,仍然存在着几种不同的思想流派。本文以北海北部的Gullfaks,Visund,Kvitebjorn和Huldra油田为例,研究如何将定义断层的密封/非密封能力的页岩气刨比(SGR)纳入盆地建模。本文还通过改变由SGR定义的断层性质,直至获得四个油田的现场储量,来代表最有可能代表盆地现实的模型的结果。我们的结果表明,天然气成藏比石油成藏对SGR更敏感。 Gullfaks油田中的石油聚集受三个主要断层控制。限制磁场的第一个断层是非密封断层,SGR≥10%。位于油田更南边的第二个断层是密封断层,位于北方的第三个断层是非密封断层。 NE-SW非密封趋势断裂控制了Visund油田的油气成藏。在Kvitebj?rn油田,围绕该油田的另一个NE–SW趋势断层的SGR为30%,可控制油气成藏。 Huldra油田的天然气是由两个N–S趋势断层控制的。第一个断层位于油田的西部,由40%的SGR定义,而第二个断层定义为裸露。对断层特性建模后获得的最有可能的石油系统模型的埋藏历史曲线的分析表明,盆地中的侏罗纪至白垩纪早期隆升在盆地的三裂谷ift陷系统的下盘壁中更为明显。在同一时期,grab住系统的轴线以沉积物不沉积为特征。



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