首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Dominique Gracia?, Review of John Holmes’s “Pre-Raphaelitism, Science, and the Arts in The Germ.”

Dominique Gracia?, Review of John Holmes’s “Pre-Raphaelitism, Science, and the Arts in The Germ.”

机译:多米尼克·格拉西亚(Dominique Gracia),约翰·霍姆斯(John Holmes)的“细菌繁殖前的拉斐尔主义,科学与艺术”评论。



John Holmes’ “Pre-Raphaelitism, Science, and the Arts in The Germ” takes the four printed issues of The Germ (1850) together as its object of study and sets out to use the journal to draw a clearer picture of the early Pre-Raphaelites’ debate around the role of science vis-à-vis art. Holmes begins by examining some homologies between the language used in The Germ to discuss the artist’s relationship with nature, and that used in early Victorian works of natural history and philosophy of science, such as John Herschel’s A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy (1886).
机译:约翰·霍姆斯(John Holmes)的“胚芽前的Raphaelitism,科学和艺术”以“胚芽”(1850)的四期印刷版作为研究对象,并着手使用该期刊对早期胚芽进行更清晰的描绘。拉斐尔派人士围绕科学对艺术的作用展开辩论。福尔摩斯首先研究了《胚芽》中用来讨论艺术家与自然之间关系的语言与维多利亚时代早期自然历史和科学哲学作品中使用的语言之间的某些同源性,例如约翰·赫歇尔(John Herschel)的《自然哲学研究的初步论述》( 1886年)。



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