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Vermicular Origins: The Creative Evolution of Samuel Beckett’s Worm’

机译:蠕虫的起源:塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett)的《蠕虫》的创意演变



On 12 August 1948, Samuel Beckett wrote to his friend the art critic Georges Duthuit,wondering where to find “the terms, the rhythms” (Letters 2: 102) necessary to go onwriting. In the same letter, Beckett describes how, while out walking that evening“among the dripping bracken,” he had decided:we need a motive to blow up all this dismal mixture. It is surely to besought where everything must be sought now, in the eternally larval, no,something else, in the courage of the imperfection of non-being too, inwhich we are intermittently assailed by the temptation still to be, a little,and the glory of having been a little, beneath an unforgettable sky. Yes, tobe sought in the impossibility of ever being wrong enough, of ever beingridiculous and defenceless enough. (102).
机译:1948年8月12日,塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett)写信给他的朋友艺术评论家乔治·杜特(Georges Duthuit),想知道在哪里可以找到进行书写所必需的“术语,节奏”(信2:102)。贝克特在同一封信中描述了当他那天晚上在“滴水的蕨菜中”散步时如何决定:我们需要一种动机来炸毁所有这些令人沮丧的混合物。毫无疑问,现在必须寻求一切,永恒的幼虫,不,别的,以非存在的不完美的勇气,在这种情况下,我们间断地受到诱惑的困扰,还有一点点在难忘的天空下,曾有一点荣耀。是的,要寻求这样的可能性:永远不会犯足够的错误,永远都不能做到荒谬而毫无防备。 (102)。



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