首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Review of Katherine Inglis’s ‘Opthalmoscopy in Charlotte Bront?’s Villette’

Review of Katherine Inglis’s ‘Opthalmoscopy in Charlotte Bront?’s Villette’

机译:评论凯瑟琳·英格利斯(Katherine Inglis)的“夏洛特·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)的Villette检眼镜”



Katherine Inglis's intelligent article maximises her scrupulous research into nineteenth-century opthalmoscopy to advance a reinvigorated reading of the language of sight in Villette. Inglis eschews the arguably worn themes of vision and surveillance, drawing attention instead to the ways in which Bront. engages with the phenomenological experience of sight and nineteenth-century understandings of the embodied eye. This critical refocus facilitates an argument of real theoretical weight. The article's disquisition into Villette's dialogue with Victorian optics makes a significant contribution towards moderating the enthusiasm with which, in some quarters, theories of panopticism have been applied to nineteenth-century literature. It demonstrates comprehensively that Jeremy Bentham's theory of the Panopticon was but one of several discourses of vision current in nineteenth-century thought
机译:凯瑟琳·英格里斯(Katherine Inglis)的聪明文章使她对19世纪的眼底镜检查的认真研究最大化,从而促进了维莱特(Villette)视觉语言的重新焕发活力。英格里斯回避了视觉和监视领域中陈旧的主题,而是将注意力转移到了勃朗特的创作方式上。结合视觉的现象学经验和十九世纪对肉眼的理解。这种批判性的重新聚焦有助于论证真正的理论重要性。这篇文章对维莱特与维多利亚时代的光学的对话的研究对减轻热情产生了重大贡献,在某些方面,全景主义理论已被应用到19世纪文学中。它全面证明了杰里米·边沁(Jeremy Bentham)的Panopticon理论只是19世纪思想中当前的几种视觉论述之一



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