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Colin Baker, Review of Sarah Winter’s ‘Darwin’s Saussure: Biosemiotics and Race in Expression’

机译:科林·贝克(Colin Baker),对莎拉·温特(Sarah Winter)的《达尔文·索绪尔:生物符号学和种族表达》的评论



In "Darwin.s Saussure", Sarah Winter admirably confronts a range of seemingly disparate debates currently raging among Darwinian historians, medical sociologists and scholars of modern linguistics, ultimately producing a series of controversial arguments which demand the attention of academics currently working in each of these fields. With varying degrees of success, Charles Darwin has been upheld as a central figure in the histories of a vast spread of intellectual disciplines. Here, Winter.s central aim is to establish Darwin as a pivotal player in the foundation of modern linguistics, posturing that the naturalist bore a key influence on the work of Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure. An impressive range of evidence is marshalled in support of this cause. Winter firmly establishes that Darwin was not only well-versed in language theories developed during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but that this .linguistic. background actively informed much of the naturalist.s research, manifesting itself in both his notebooks, his correspondence and the seminal On the Origin of Species (1859).
机译:在《达尔文·索绪尔》中,莎拉·温特令人钦佩地面对着达尔文历史学家,医学社会学家和现代语言学学者之间目前正在展开的一系列看似迥然不同的辩论,最终产生了一系列有争议的论点,这些论点需要目前在每个领域工作的学者的关注。这些领域。查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)取得了不同程度的成功,在众多学科领域的历史中一直是中心人物。在这里,温特的主要目的是使达尔文成为现代语言学基础上的关键角色,并假设自然主义者对瑞士语言学家费迪南德·德·索绪尔的工作具有重要影响。大量证据支持这一原因。温特坚信,达尔文不仅精通18和19世纪发展的语言理论,而且精通这种语言。背景积极地推动了博物学家的研究工作,在他的笔记本,书信和开创性的《物种起源》(1859年)中都得到了体现。



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