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The 13th world congress on medical and health informatics, Cape Town, South Africa: Partnerships for effective e-Health solutions




The 13th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (Medinfo) was held in 2010 between 12 and 15 September in Cape Town, South Africa. This triennial international gathering is the official conference of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and brings together leading health informatics leaders, scientists, clinicians, researchers, vendors, developers and government and health care planners from around the globe. The conference attracted 905 submissions and resulted in a program that included 260 oral presentations, 349 posters presentations and 21 scientific demonstrations representing contributions from 58 countries. The Medinfo program covered all aspects of health informatics from traditional areas, such as hospital information systems, patient registries, nursing informatics, data integration, standards, interoperability issues and decision support, to innovative topics, such as translational bioinformatics, text mining, intelligent data analysis, emerging technologies, quality, social networking, workflow and organizational issues. The outgoing President of the IMIA, Professor Reinhold Haux, presented on health informatics challenges into the future, reinforcing that today and in the future, health care has to be considered as part of a continuous and coordinated life-time journey and not just as episodes of disease. Medical informatics has a key role to play in this paradigm shift. The new IMIA President, Professor Antoine Geissbuhler, was announced at the closing ceremony. The next Medinfo congress will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, in September 2013.Keywords: Evaluation studies, health informatics, pathology informatics
机译:第13届世界医学和健康信息学大会(Medinfo)于2010年9月12日至15日在南非开普敦举行。这次三年一次的国际聚会是国际医学信息学协会(IMIA)的正式会议,汇集了来自全球的领先健康信息学领袖,科学家,临床医生,研究人员,销售商,开发商以及政府和医疗保健计划者。会议吸引了905名专家参加,并制定了一个计划,其中包括260个口头报告,349个海报演示和21个科学演示,代表了58个国家的贡献。 Medinfo计划涵盖了传统领域的健康信息学各个方面,例如医院信息系统,患者登记,护理信息学,数据集成,标准,互操作性问题和决策支持,以及创新主题,例如翻译生物信息学,文本挖掘,智能数据分析,新兴技术,质量,社交网络,工作流和组织问题。 IMIA即将卸任的主席Reinhold Haux教授就健康信息学对未来的挑战作了介绍,并强调指出,今天和将来,医疗保健应被视为持续而协调的终身旅程的一部分,而不仅仅是事件的发作。疾病医学信息学在这种范式转变中起着关键作用。 IMIA的新任主席Antoine Geissbuhler教授在闭幕式上宣布。下一届Medinfo大会将于2013年9月在丹麦哥本哈根举行。关键词:评估研究,健康信息学,病理信息学



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