首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics: Conference Series >A constraint-free flight simulator package for airborne wind energy systems

A constraint-free flight simulator package for airborne wind energy systems




The LAgrangian Kite SimulAtor (LAKSA) is a freely available software for the dynamic analysis of tethered flying vehicles, such as kites and fixed-wing drones, applied to airborne wind energy generation. This software comprises four simulators. The one, two and four-line simulators, which consider flexible but inelastic tethers, are based on minimal coordinate Lagragian formulations and can be used for the analysis of fly and ground generation systems, kite-based traction systems, and kitesurfing applications, respectively. The configuration of the mechanical system in the fourth simulator can be defined by the user, who can select the number of flying vehicles and the properties of the elastic and flexible tethers linking them. In all the software tools, the kites or tethered fixed-wing drones are represented as rigid bodies and the dynamic equations of the tether-bridle-vehicle systems, together with the user-defined and time-dependent control variables, are solved self-consistently. Academic and research analysis can take advantage of the modularity of the simulators and their inputs and outputs interfaces, which follow a common and user-friendly architecture.
机译:LAgrangian Kite SimulAtor(LAKSA)是可免费获得的软件,用于动态分析系链飞行器(例如风筝和固定翼无人机),这些方法应用于机载风能发电。该软件包括四个模拟器。一线,两线和四线模拟器考虑了柔性但无弹性的系绳,它们基于最小坐标拉格朗日公式,可分别用于分析苍蝇和地面生成系统,基于风筝的牵引系统和进行风筝冲浪的应用程序。可以由用户定义第四模拟器中的机械系统的配置,该用户可以选择飞行器的数量以及连接它们的弹性和柔性系链的属性。在所有软件工具中,风筝或系留固定翼无人驾驶飞机均表示为刚体,并且可以自洽地求解出系绳-车架-车辆系统的动力学方程以及用户定义的和时间相关的控制变量。学术和研究分析可以利用模拟器的模块化及其输入和输出接口,它们遵循通用且用户友好的体系结构。



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