首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Orthopaedic Translation >A model for facilitating translational research and development in China: Call for establishing a Hong Kong Branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Biomaterials

A model for facilitating translational research and development in China: Call for establishing a Hong Kong Branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Biomaterials




Summary With significant improvements in living standards in China and the aging population that accompanies these improvements, the market demand for high-quality orthopaedic biomaterials for clinical applications is tremendous and growing rapidly. There are major efforts to promote cooperation between different scientific institutes with complementary strengths for the further development of the biomaterial industry in China to achieve the technological level of developed countries. An excellent example is that the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST; Beijing, China) established the Chinese National Engineering Research Centres (CNERCs), which serve as a major initiative in driving basic and applied technological research and development (R&D) in mainland China. To create a win-win situation with Hong Kong, the MOST and the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission are jointly establishing the Hong Kong Branch of the CNERCs. Through an amicable arrangement, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK; Shatin, Hong Kong) and the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Biomaterials (i.e., Main Centre) in Chengdu, People's Republic of China have decided to apply to establish the Hong Kong Branch of the CNERC for Biomaterials at the CUHK. The effort in establishing the Hong Kong Branch of Biomaterials seeks to promote further collaboration with the Main Centre with the goals of promoting synergy and a win-win cooperation between mainland China and Hong Kong in scientific research, talent cultivation, clinically driven novel biomaterials product design, and preclinical and clinical testing. It will thus become a model for the successful collaboration between the Hong Kong research institutions and the mainland CNERCs in the area of biomaterials. Such initiatives will facilitate close collaboration in translational medicine associated with biomaterial development and application.
机译:结束语随着中国生活水平的显着改善以及随之而来的人口老龄化,对临床应用的高质量骨科生物材料的市场需求是巨大的,并且还在迅速增长。为促进中国生物材料产业的进一步发展,以达到发达国家的技术水平,正在大力促进具有互补优势的不同科研机构之间的合作。一个很好的例子是,中华人民共和国科学技术部(MOST;中国北京)建立了中国国家工程研究中心(CNERC),这是推动基础技术和应用技术研究与开发的一项重大举措。 (R&D)在中国大陆。为了与香港建立双赢局面,科技部与香港创新科技委员会共同成立了中国核能研究中心香港分会。通过友好的安排,香港中文大学(香港中文大学;香港沙田)和中国国家生物材料工程技术研究中心(即主要中心)已决定申请建立香港CNERC生物材料分会在香港中文大学。建立生物材料香港分公司的努力旨在促进与主要中心的进一步合作,以促进中国内地与香港在科学研究,人才培养,临床驱动的新型生物材料产品设计方面的协同作用和双赢合作,以及临床前和临床测试。因此,它将成为香港研究机构与内地CNERC在生物材料领域成功合作的典范。这些举措将促进与生物材料开发和应用相关的转化医学领域的密切合作。



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