首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pain Research >Psychological factors as predictors of early postoperative pain after open nephrectomy

Psychological factors as predictors of early postoperative pain after open nephrectomy




Purpose: There is an increasing interest in the identification of predictors for individual responses to analgesics and surgical pain. In this study, we aimed to determine psychological factors that might contribute to this response. We hence investigated patients undergoing a standardized surgical intervention (open nephrectomy). Patients and methods: Between May 2014 and April 2015, we conducted a prospective observational cohort study. The following psychological tests were administered preoperatively: Mini-Mental State Examination, Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, and Pain Catastrophizing Scale. The primary outcome, postoperative pain intensity (11-point numerical rating scale, [NRS]), was assessed in the “immediate early” (first 8 hours), “early” (12 and 24 hours), and “late early” periods (48 and 72 hours). Results: A total of 196 patients were assessed, and 150 were finally included in the study. NRS scores improved from 4.9 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.7–5.1) in the “immediate early” to 3.1 (95% CI: 2.9–3.3) in the “early” and 2.3 (95% CI: 2.1–2.5) in the “late early” postoperative period. Most (87%) patients received intravenous opioids, while 13% received analgesics epidurally. Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated better pain management with epidural analgesia in the first two postoperative periods ( F =15.01, p <0.00). Postoperative pain correlated strongly with analgesic strategy and preoperative psychological assessment. Multiple linear regression analysis showed “expected pain” was the only predictor in the “immediate early” phase, and “anxiety” was most important in the “early” postoperative period. In the “late early” phase, catastrophizing was the predominant predictor, alongside “preoperative analgesic usage” and “APAIS anxiety”. Conclusion: After open nephrectomy, epidural analgesia conveys a clear advantage for pain management only within the first 24 hours. Moreover, as the psychological phenotype of patients changes distinctively in the first 72 postoperative hours, psychological variables increasingly determine pain intensity, even surpassing employed analgesic strategy as its main predictor.
机译:目的:人们越来越需要确定针对镇痛药和手术疼痛的个体反应的预测因子。在这项研究中,我们旨在确定可能有助于这种反应的心理因素。因此,我们调查了接受标准化手术干预(开放性肾切除术)的患者。患者和方法:2014年5月至2015年4月,我们进行了一项前瞻性观察队列研究。术前进行了以下心理测试:迷你精神状态检查,阿姆斯特丹术前焦虑和信息量表(APAIS),汉密尔顿焦虑量表,汉密尔顿抑郁量表和疼痛灾难性量表。主要结果是术后疼痛强度(11点数字评分量表,[NRS]),是在“中早期”(前8小时),“早期”(12和24小时)和“晚期”阶段进行评估的(48和72小时)。结果:共评估了196例患者,最终将150例纳入研究。 NRS分数从“立即早期”的4.9(95%置信区间[CI]:4.7-5.1)提高到“早期”的3.1(95%CI:2.9-3.3)和2.3(95%CI:2.1-2.5)。 )在术后“晚期”。大多数(87%)患者接受了静脉阿片类药物治疗,而13%的患者接受了硬膜外镇痛药。重复测量方差分析表明,术后两个月内采用硬膜外镇痛可更好地控制疼痛(F = 15.01,p <0.00)。术后疼痛与镇痛策略和术前心理评估密切相关。多元线性回归分析显示,“预期的疼痛”是“立即早期”阶段的唯一预测因素,而“焦虑”在术后“早期”最为重要。在“晚期”阶段,灾难性死亡是主要的预测因素,同时“术前使用镇痛药”和“ APAIS焦虑症”也是如此。结论:开放式肾切除术后,硬膜外镇痛仅在头24小时内具有明显的疼痛控制优势。此外,由于患者的心理表型在术后最初72小时内发生显着变化,因此心理变量越来越多地决定疼痛强度,甚至超过了采用镇痛策略作为其主要预测指标。



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