首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice >Nonalcoholic Wernicke's Encephalopathy: A Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Care Center in Northern India

Nonalcoholic Wernicke's Encephalopathy: A Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Care Center in Northern India




Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the demographic features, clinical presentation, and management and outcome of fifty cases of nonalcoholic Wernicke's encephalopathy from a tertiary care hospital of a region with reported incidence of thiamine deficiency disorders. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective study, fifty adult cases of Wernicke's encephalopathy were analyzed. The diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy was made according to the European federation of neurological societies guidelines 2010. Response to thiamine replacement and associated brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were also considered as supportive evidence. Results: The mean age of patients was 50.38 years with 20 males and 30 females. The most common clinical manifestations were alteration in sensorium in 30 (60%), ataxia in 18 (36%), memory impairment in 15 (30%), nystagmus in 35 (70%), ophthalmoparesis in 11 (22%), and seizures in 4 (8%). A total of 42 patients had a history of recurrent vomiting. All patients had polished rice as their staple diet. Thirty-five patients had associated polyneuropathy and 15 had a gastrointestinal disorder. Twenty patients underwent MRI which showed both typical and atypical lesions. Majority of patients showed partial or complete response to intravenous thiamine. On discharge, the most common residual symptoms were lower limb weakness, ataxia, and memory impairment. Conclusion: The study shows high incidence of nonalcoholic Wernicke's encephalopathy in the region with predominant causative factor being a thiamine deficient diet. Recurrent vomiting can be a prominent early symptom of thiamine deficiency and its recognition can help in the early diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy and related thiamine deficiency disorders. Thiamine fortification of food should be done in areas with reported incidence of thiamine deficiency disorders. K EYWORDS : Beriberi , nonalcoholic Wernicke's encephalopathy , polished rice , thiamine deficiency , Wernicke's encephalopathy
机译:目的:本研究的目的是描述某地区三级医院的硫胺素缺乏症发病率的50例非酒精性Wernicke脑病的人口统计学特征,临床表现以及管理和结果。材料和方法:在一项回顾性研究中,分析了50例Wernicke脑病的成人病例。根据欧洲神经学会联合会2010年对Wernicke脑病的诊断。对硫胺素替代疗法的反应和相关的脑磁共振成像(MRI)结果也被视为支持证据。结果:患者的平均年龄为50.38岁,其中男性20例,女性30例。最常见的临床表现是感觉觉改变30例(60%),共济失调18例(36%),记忆力减退15例(30%),眼球震颤35例(70%),眼轻瘫11例(22%)和癫痫发作4(8%)。共有42例患者有反复呕吐史。所有患者均以米饭为主食。 35例伴有多发性神经病,15例患有胃肠道疾病。 20名患者接受了MRI检查,显示出典型和非典型病变。大多数患者对静脉内硫胺素表现出部分或完全反应。出院时,最常见的残留症状是下肢无力,共济失调和记忆障碍。结论:该研究表明该地区非酒精性韦尼克脑病的发生率很高,其主要病因是硫胺素缺乏饮食。反复呕吐可能是硫胺素缺乏的主要早期症状,其识别可以帮助韦尼克氏脑病和相关的硫胺素缺乏症的早期诊断。硫胺素缺乏症发生率较高的地区应进行硫胺素强化食品。关键字:小iber虫,非酒精性Wernicke脑病,精米,硫胺素缺乏,Wernicke脑病



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