首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Military Veterans Health >Recent developments in firearms noise and hearing conservation: hearing protection fit testing,noise measurement and hearing surveillance

Recent developments in firearms noise and hearing conservation: hearing protection fit testing,noise measurement and hearing surveillance




Firstly, a bench-mark exposure standard is needed to indicate excess exposure.? The impulse noise exposure standards are different from the continuous standards both in terms of how they have been set and what needs to be measured. ?The continuous noise standards are a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of 85 dBA over a period of 8 hours, with an equal energy relationship so that 88 dBA for 4 hours (double the SPL) is also 100% of the dose. 1?This standard was set by looking at the permanent hearing loss (Permanent Threshold Shift, PTS) found in workers exposed to these levels of noise over long periods. ?It does not prevent, but limits the prevalence of, noise- induced hearing loss.? The duration of the impulse noise from firearms is in the order of a few milliseconds and there is a limit to which the equal energy hypothesis can be extrapolated for ?such very short time durations. A ‘peak’ exposure standard of 140 dB has been adopted by many countries including New Zealand,2 primarily because, in excess of this level, the behaviour of the sound field is different and requires special measurement techniques. ?Impulse energy is also measured by level, the peak level, ?and an ‘energy like’ measure of duration, of which there are a number.? The “B” duration, where the impulse has fallen 20dB from the peak, is an example : it is identifying this parameter which requires? special equipment.? Because impulse noise is more unpredictable in terms of long term exposure, the effects were looked at in terms of the temporary hearing loss (Temporary Threshold Shift, TTS) that occurs directly after noise exposure, the TTS or risk of hearing loss being different for each impulse noise ?parameter. A number of impulse noise exposure criteria have been developed.? Amongst the first in the 1960’s, and illustrative of the concept, is that of Coles et al3 with a limit of 159 dB Lpeak for 5 ms, the exposure being limited to 100 rounds fired at rates of between 6 and 30 per minute.? This should limit the TTS to be not more than 10 dB at or below 1000 Hz, 15 dB at 2000 Hz, and 20 dB at or above 3000 Hz in 75% of the normal hearing ?persons exposed. The continuous and impulse standards are not entirely congruous in terms of both “equivalent energy” and the likelihood of harm, but more recently the Sound Exposure Level, the SPL normalised to 1 second, has been proposed as a unifying metric.4 The limit is a critical level of 116 dBA SEL per impulse, with 50 exposures allowed. This should not result in a TTS2 (the TTS measured 2 minutes after exposure) of greater than 25 dB HL at 4 and 6 kHz in 95% of those exposed. This limit has the advantage that it can be measured with a standard Sound Level Meter.
机译:首先,需要一个基准暴露标准来表明过量暴露。脉冲噪声暴露标准在设置方式和需要测量的方面均不同于连续标准。 ?连续噪声标准是在8小时内的声压级(SPL)为85 dBA,具有相等的能量关系,因此4小时88 dBA(SPL的两倍)也是剂量的100%。 1?此标准是通过查看长期处于这些噪声水平的工人中发现的永久性听力损失(永久阈值移位,PTS)来设定的。 “它不能防止但限制了噪声引起的听力损失的发生。”来自枪支的脉冲噪声的持续时间大约为几毫秒,并且在如此短的持续时间内,可以推断出相等的能量假设存在一个极限。包括新西兰2在内的许多国家都采用了140 dB的“峰值”暴露标准,这主要是因为超过此水平,声场的行为是不同的,需要特殊的测量技术。 “脉冲能量还通过水平,峰值水平和持续时间的“类似能量”的度量来测量,其中有一个数字。 “ B”持续时间(脉冲从峰值下降了20dB)就是一个例子:它正在确定需要该参数吗?特殊装备。?因为就长期暴露而言,脉冲噪声更加不可预测,所以根据暴露于噪声后立即发生的暂时性听力损失(临时阈值移位,TTS)来考察影响,每种情况下的TTS或听力损失的风险各不相同脉冲噪声参数。已经开发了许多脉冲噪声暴露标准。在1960年代的第一批中,对Coles等人3的概念进行了说明,它的峰值限制为159 dB Lpeak,持续5 ms,暴露时间限制为以每分钟6到30次的速率发射100发子弹。对于暴露于正常听力中的75%的正常听力人群,这应将TTS限制为在1000 Hz或以下时不超过10 dB,在2000 Hz时不超过15 dB,在3000 Hz或更高时不超过20 dB。就“等效能量”和伤害可能性而言,连续性和冲动性标准并不完全一致,但最近有人提出将声音暴露水平(标准化为1秒的SPL)作为统一指标。4限制为每个脉冲的临界水平为116 dBA SEL,允许50次曝光。在95%的被测者中,在4kHz和6kHz时,TTS2(在暴露2分钟后测得的TTS)不应大于25 dB HL。此限制的优点是可以使用标准声级计进行测量。



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