首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Case Reports >Prune belly syndrome in an Egyptian infant with Down syndrome: A case report

Prune belly syndrome in an Egyptian infant with Down syndrome: A case report




Introduction Prune belly syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly of uncertain aetiology almost exclusive to males. The association between prune belly syndrome and Down syndrome is very rare. Case presentation A 4-month-old Egyptian boy was admitted to our institute for management of acute bronchiolitis. He was born at full term by normal vaginal delivery. His mother, a 42-year-Egyptian villager with six other children, had no antenatal or prenatal care. On examination, the boy was found to be hypotonic. In addition to features of Down syndrome, karyotyping confirmed the diagnosis of trisomy 21. Ultrasound examination of the abdomen showed bilateral gross hydronephrosis with megaureter. Micturating cystourethrography showed grade V vesicoureteric reflux bilaterally with no urethral obstruction. Serum creatinine concentration was 90 μmol/litre, serum sodium was 132 mmol/litre and serum potassium was 5.9 mmol/litre. Conclusion We report an Egyptian infant with Down syndrome and prune belly syndrome. The incidence of this association is unknown. Routine antenatal ultrasonography will help in discovering renal anomalies which can be followed postnatally. Postnatal detection of prune belly syndrome necessitates full radiological investigation to detect any renal anomalies. Early diagnosis of this syndrome and determining its optimal treatment are very important in helping to avoid its fatal course.
机译:简介修剪腹部综合症是一种罕见的先天性病因,其病因不明,几乎是男性所独有的。西梅综合症和唐氏综合症之间的关联非常罕见。病例介绍一名4个月大的埃及男孩被我院收治,用于治疗急性毛细支气管炎。他是通过正常的阴道分娩足月出生的。他的母亲是一位42岁的埃及村民,有另外六个孩子,没有任何产前或产前护理。经检查,发现该男孩低渗。除了唐氏综合症的特征外,核型分析还证实了21三体性的诊断。腹部超声检查发现双侧大肾积水伴大输尿管。膀胱镜检查示双侧V级膀胱输尿管反流,无尿道梗阻。血清肌酐浓度为90μmol/ L,血钠为132 mmol / L,血钾为5.9 mmol / L。结论我们报告了埃及患唐氏综合症和西梅花综合症的婴儿。这种关联的发生率未知。常规的产前超声检查将有助于发现产后可以追踪的肾脏异常。产后检查梅花肚综合征需要进行全面的放射学检查以发现任何肾脏异常。该综合征的早期诊断和确定最佳治疗方法对避免致命过程非常重要。



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