首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Marine Science and Engineering >Modeling Tidal Datums and Spatially Varying Uncertainty in the Texas and Western Louisiana Coastal Waters

Modeling Tidal Datums and Spatially Varying Uncertainty in the Texas and Western Louisiana Coastal Waters




Tidal datums are key components in NOAA’s Vertical Datum transformation project (VDatum), which enables effective vertical transformation of the water level between tidal, orthometric, and ellipsoid -based three-dimensional reference systems. An initial application of modeling tidal datums was developed for the coastal waters of Texas and western Louisiana in 2013. The goals of the current work include: (1) updating the tidal model by using the best available shoreline, bathymetry, and tide station data; (2) implementing a recently developed statistical interpolation method for interpolating modeled tidal datums and computing tidal datum uncertainties; and (3) using modeled tidal datums to upgrade non-tidal polygons for enhancing the quality of the VDatum marine grid population. The updated tidal model outperformed the previous tidal model in most cases. The statistical interpolation method is able to limit the interpolated tidal datums to within a user-defined model error (0.01 m in this work) and produce a spatially varying uncertainty field for each interpolated tidal datum field. The upgraded non-tidal polygons enhanced the quality of the VDatum marine grid population. This paper will introduce the detailed procedures of this modeling work, present and discuss the obtained results, share the effective methods used for improving model performance and lessons learned in the model assessments, and analyze the improvement of the current tidal model in comparison with the previous tidal model.
机译:潮汐基准是NOAA垂直基准转换项目(VDatum)的关键组成部分,该项目可以在基于潮汐,正交或椭球的三维参考系统之间有效地垂直转换水位。 2013年,在德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州西部的沿海水域开发了用于模拟潮汐基准的初始应用程序。当前工作的目标包括:(1)使用最佳的海岸线,水深和潮汐站数据更新潮汐模型; (2)实施最近开发的统计插值方法,用于插值建模的潮汐基准并计算潮汐基准的不确定性; (3)使用建模的潮汐基准来升级非潮汐多边形,以提高VDatum海洋网格人口的质量。在大多数情况下,更新的潮汐模型优于以前的潮汐模型。统计插值方法能够将插值的潮汐基准限制在用户定义的模型误差(此工作中为0.01 m)以内,并为每个插值的潮汐基准场产生一个空间变化的不确定性场。升级后的非潮汐多边形提高了VDatum海洋网格人口的质量。本文将介绍该建模工作的详细过程,介绍和讨论所获得的结果,分享用于改进模型性能的有效方法和在模型评估中汲取的经验教训,并与以前的模型相比,分析当前潮汐模型的改进。潮汐模型。



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