首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy >Budgetary Impact of Treatment with Adjuvant Imatinib for 1 Year Following Surgical Resection of Kit-Positive Localized Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors

Budgetary Impact of Treatment with Adjuvant Imatinib for 1 Year Following Surgical Resection of Kit-Positive Localized Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors




BACKGROUND: Imatinib mesylate, an orally administered kinase inhibitor that targets the Kit (CD117) protein, currently has 10 approved indications including treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia and metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). Treatment with adjuvant imatinib following surgical resection of localized Kit-positive GIST, the most recent FDA-approved indication (December 2008), has been shown to significantly improve recurrence-free survival (RFS) compared with surgical resection alone. Although adjuvant imatinib has proven effective in clinical trials, it is important to consider the economic impact to health plans of introducing imatinib in accordance with its new labeled indication. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the budgetary impact over a 3-year time horizon of treating patients with localized Kit-positive GIST with 1 year of adjuvant imatinib following surgical resection. METHODS: A Markov model was developed to predict patients` transitions across health states defined by initial treatment (surgical resection followed by adjuvant imatinib 400 milligrams [mg] daily versus surgical resection alone), recurrence, and progression. Treatments for a first recurrence were (a) imatinib 400 mg daily for recurrences following resection only or after completion of 1 year of treatment with imatinib 400 mg daily and (b) imatinib 800 mg daily for recurrence during active treatment with imatinib 400 mg daily. Treatments for further progression were imatinib 800 mg daily, sunitinib, or best supportive care (BSC) following imatinib 400 mg per day, and sunitinib or BSC following imatinib 800 mg daily. Recurrence rates were derived from the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z9001 clinical trial, which compared 1 year of adjuvant imatinib following surgical resection with surgical resection only. The total number of patients with localized and surgically resected GIST (incidence rate of 0.36 per 100,000) was estimated from epidemiologic studies of GIST. Uptake of treatment with imatinib was estimated from unpublished data from qualitative market research funded by the study sponsor. The uptake rate assumptions reflected both (a) the percentage of patients with Kitpositive disease and (b) the percentage of clinically eligible patients who would use imatinib. Costs were estimated by combining unit costs from published sources with expected resource utilization based on the clinical trial publication and National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines on the treatment of patients with GIST. To obtain estimates of the budgetary impact, we compared estimated health care costs with versus without adjuvant imatinib, where health care costs with imatinib reflected the costs of treatment minus cost offsets associated with delayed or avoided recurrence or progression. All with scenarios assumed no additional uses other than surgically resected localized Kit-positive GIST (i.e., no change in off-label use of imatinib). The budgetary impact was estimated for the first 3 years after the introduction of adjuvant imatinib in accordance with its new labeled indication in a hypothetical plan population of 10 million persons. Results were calculated both as total budgetary impact and as per member per month (PMPM) cost in 2009 dollars. Sensitivity analyses were performed to test the robustness of model results to changes in parameter estimates. RESULTS: The model predicted 36 incident resected GIST cases per year in a health plan of 10 million members. The estimated counts of cases treated with adjuvant imatinib were 10.8, 16.2, and 21.6 in the first, second, and third years after introduction, respectively, with the annual increases attributable to changes in the proportion of patients with resected GIST assumed to use imatinib (30% in year 1, rising to 45% in year 2 and 60% in year 3). The model predicted that treatment of these cases with imatinib will increase pharmacy costs by an additional $505,144 in the first year, $757,717 in the second year, and $1,010,289 in the third year. Increased resource use associated with monitoring patients during and after treatment with adjuvant imatinib would cost an additional $21,564, $38,145, and $56,605 in the first, second, and third years, respectively. Recurrence would be avoided or delayed in 7 patients over the 3-year period. Avoided or delayed recurrences would result in cost offsets of $61,583 in the first year, $156,702 in the second year, and $233,849 in the third year. The net budgetary impact was estimated to be $465,126 in the first year (less than $0.01 PMPM), $639,159 in the second year ($0.01 PMPM), and $833,044 in the third year ($0.01 PMPM). Results of sensitivity analyses indicated that the budgetary impact in the third year is most sensitive to changes in the price of adjuvant imatinib and recurrence rates. CONCLUSIONS: The model predicted that the introduction of adjuvant imatinib for treatment of surgically resected, localized, Kit-positiv
机译:背景:甲磺酸伊马替尼是一种靶向Kit(CD117)蛋白的口服激酶抑制剂,目前具有10种已获批准的适应症,包括治疗慢性粒细胞白血病和转移性胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)。经手术切除局限性Kit阳性GIST(最近的FDA批准适应症)(2008年12月)后,辅助伊马替尼治疗与单用手术切除相比可显着改善无复发生存期(RFS)。尽管佐剂伊马替尼已在临床试验中证明是有效的,但重要的是要考虑根据伊马替尼的新标记适应症对健康计划的经济影响。目的:评估手术切除术后1年辅助伊马替尼治疗局部Kit-阳性GIST患者在3年时间范围内的预算影响。方法:建立了一个马尔可夫模型,以预测患者在初始治疗(手术切除后再行伊马替尼辅助治疗400毫克[mg]与单独手术切除相比),复发和进展过程中所定义的健康状态之间的转换。首次复发的治疗方法是(a)仅在切除后或每天用伊马替尼400 mg治疗1年后复发的每日伊马替尼400 mg;(b)在每天伊马替尼400 mg积极治疗期间复发的每天伊马替尼800 mg。进一步进展的治疗方法为每天800 mg伊马替尼,每天400 mg舒尼替尼或最佳支持治疗(BSC)和每天800 mg伊马替尼后舒尼替尼或BSC。复发率来自美国外科医生肿瘤学会(ACOSOG)Z9001临床试验,该研究比较了手术切除后1年的伊马替尼辅助治疗与仅手术切除的情况。根据GIST的流行病学研究估计,局部和手术切除GIST的患者总数(发生率为每10万人0.36)。根据研究赞助商资助的定性市场研究未发表的数据,估计了伊马替尼的治疗吸收。摄取率的假设既反映了(a)患有吉西汀阳性的患者的百分比,又反映了(b)使用伊马替尼的临床合格患者的百分比。根据临床试验出版物和美国国家综合癌症网络关于GIST的治疗指南,将公开来源的单位成本与预期资源利用相结合来估算成本。为了获得预算影响的估算,我们比较了使用伊马替尼和不使用伊马替尼辅助治疗的估计医疗费用,其中使用伊马替尼的医疗费用反映了治疗费用减去与延迟或避免的复发或进展相关的费用抵消。假设所有场景均已通过手术切除的局部Kit阳性GIST进行了其他应用(即伊马替尼的标签外使用没有变化)。根据假定的计划人口为1000万人的新标记适应症,在引入佐剂伊马替尼后的最初三年中,估计了预算影响。结果以预算总影响和按2009年美元计算的每个会员每月的费用进行计算。进行敏感性分析以测试模型结果对参数估计值变化的稳健性。结果:该模型在1000万名成员的健康计划中预测了每年发生36例GIST切除病例。引入伊马替尼辅助治疗的病例估计数在引入后第一年,第二年和第三年分别为10.8、16.2和21.6,每年的增加归因于假定使用伊马替尼的GIST切除患者比例的变化(第一年30%,第二年45%,第三年60%)。该模型预测,用伊马替尼治疗这些病例在第一年将使药房成本另外增加505,144美元,第二年增加757,717美元,第三年增加1,010,289美元。在第一,第二和第三年,与伊马替尼辅助治疗期间和之后监测患者相关的资源使用增加将分别花费21,564美元,38,145美元和56,605美元。在3年内,将避免或延迟7位患者的复发。避免或延迟重复发生,第一年的费用冲销为61,583美元,第二年的费用冲销为156,702美元,第三年的费用冲销为233,849美元。第一年的预算净影响估计为465,126美元(少于0.01美元/ PMPM),第二年为639,159美元(0.01美元/ PMPM),第三年为833,044美元(0.01美元/ PMPM)。敏感性分析的结果表明,第三年的预算影响对辅助伊马替尼价格和复发率的变化最为敏感。结论:该模型预测,将伊马替尼辅助剂引入以手术切除,局部,Kit-positiv治疗



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