首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural Science >Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) Secondary Growth Parameters to Conservation Agriculture and Conventional Tillage Systems in Zimbabwe

Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) Secondary Growth Parameters to Conservation Agriculture and Conventional Tillage Systems in Zimbabwe

机译:津巴布韦玉米(Zea mays L.)次生生长参数对保护性农业和常规耕作系统的响应



Previous, research focused mainly on the effects of conservation agriculture (CA) and conventional practices (CP) on crop yield mostly. A study was conducted at five sites in Zimbabwe from 2012 to 2014 to investigate effects of CA and CP practices on emergence, chlorophyll content, early vigour and grain yield of different maize varieties using 12 hybrids and 4 open pollinated varieties (OPVs). The experiment was laid as a 4 × 4 alpha lattice design with three replications. Emergence was higher under CA (75%) at University of Zimbabwe (UZ) in 2012/13 and Domboshawa Training Centre (DTC) (67%) compared to CP (71% and 39% respectively). Lower early plant vigour was observed under CA compared to CP at most sites. CA had lower leaf chlorophyll content during the early crop growth stages compared to CP. However, at some instances, CA had higher leaf chlorophyll content (45 units) than CP (35 units) at 78 days after sowing in Zimuto 2012/13. For maize yield, CA outperformed CP on a sandy loamy soil (3050 kg ha-1 vs 2656 kg ha-1) and clay soil (4937 kg ha-1 vs 4274 kg ha-1). However, on a sandy soil, CP outperformed CA (1764 vs 1313 kg ha-1). Our results suggest that tillage effects on early maize plant vigor, leaf chlorophyll content and the final yield can be site and season specific. Furthermore, a delay of nutrient release for plant uptake under CA systems was found and potentially implies investigations of new fertilization strategies for such cropping systems.
机译:以前,研究主要集中在保护性农业(CA)和常规做法(CP)对作物产量的影响上。 2012年至2014年在津巴布韦的五个地点进行了一项研究,调查了CA和CP做法对使用12个杂种和4个开放授粉品种(OPV)的不同玉米品种的出苗,叶绿素含量,早期活力和籽粒产量的影响。实验以4×4α晶格设计进行,并进行了三次重复。与CP(分别为71%和39%)相比,2012/13年度在津巴布韦大学(UZ)和Domboshawa培训中心(DTC)的CA(75%)的出现率更高。与大多数地区相比,在CA下观察到早期植物活力较低。与CP相比,CA在作物早期生长阶段的叶绿素含量较低。然而,在2012/13年的Zimuto播种后第78天,CA的叶绿素含量(45个单位)比CP(35个单位)高。在玉米产量方面,CA在砂质壤土(3050 kg ha-1对2656 kg ha-1)和黏土土壤(4937 kg ha-1对4274 kg ha-1)上表现优于CP。但是,在沙质土壤上,CP优于CA(1764年vs 1313千克ha-1)。我们的结果表明,耕作对早期玉米植物活力,叶片叶绿素含量和最终产量的影响可能是因地而异的。此外,发现在CA系统下植物吸收养分的过程有所延迟,这可能意味着对此类种植系统的新施肥策略的研究。



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