首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Protection >Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) Impact on Water Quality and Environmental Ecosystem in the Harlem River

Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) Impact on Water Quality and Environmental Ecosystem in the Harlem River




The Harlem River, a 9.3-mile channel that flows from the Hudson River to the East River, has experienced decades of industrial abuse and remains gritty and industrial. During heavy rains, the pipes discharge raw sewage into the river through combined sewer overflows (CSOs) that can contain bacteria and cause illness. Water samples were collected from CSO discharge point and several adjacent sites along the river in the Bronx side close to River Park Towers at Richman Plaza and Manhattan side at Wards Island. Nutrients, bacteria, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and fish consumption safety have been analyzed. Results showed that phosphorus, ammonia concentration as well as fecal coliform, E.Coli, enterococcus levels increased significantly during heavy rainstorms. Ammonia concentration was up to 2.725 mg/L during tropical storm Arthur on July 2, 2014 and rainstorm in May 2013, and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) or orthophosphate was up to 0.197 mg/L during heavy thunderstorm in April 2011; both nutrients were exceeded EPA regulation for ammonia (0.23 mg/L) and phosphate (0.033 mg/L) for New York City (NYC) waters. The colonies of fecal coliform were more than 5 million MPN/100ml (most probable number per 100 ml) during tropical storm Arthur in July 2014 and heavy rainstorm in April 2014, and fecal coliform was more than 10,000 MPN/100ml during storm in July and November 2013; E.Coli reached more than 5000 MPN/100ml during tropical storm Arthur and storm in May 2013; enterococcus reached more than 10,000 MPN/100ml during tropical storm Arthur and heavy rainstorm in April 2014. These bacteria (pathogen) levels in the Harlem River were significantly higher than EPA standards (fecal coliform: 200 MPN/100ml, E.Coli: 126 MPN/100ml, enterococcus: 104 MPN/100ml), especially during rainstorm/tropical storm. Of particular significance, nutrients and bacteria were analyzed before and after Hurricane Sandy devastated NYC in late October 2012; results determined that bacteria and ammonia concentrations increased after this monumental storm, elucidating the environmental impact of large storm events. PCB 11 (3,3’-dichlorobiphenyl, C12H8Cl2), the high molecular weight (MW), an indicator of raw sewer and storm water runoff in the NYC harbor waters, is the major polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the Harlem River. PCBs are carcinogenic, which could bioaccumulate via food chain from fish and seafood, endangering public health. Oyster farming has been used to purify water and improve water quality in the river. CSOs and storm water runoff have degraded water quality and been threatening environmental ecosystem and public health. This research will help local communities understand CSO impact on nutrients, bacteria, PCBs contamination and fish consumption safety, and make contributions on CSOs reduction as well as improve water quality and environmental ecosystem in the Harlem River.
机译:从哈德逊河流向东河的9.3英里长的哈林河(Harlem River)经历了数十年的工业滥用,仍然坚韧不拔。在大雨期间,管道会通过下水道溢流(CSO)将生污水排入河中,这些溢流中可能含有细菌并导致疾病。从CSO排放点和沿布朗克斯河沿河的几个相邻地点收集水样,这些地方靠近里奇曼广场的河公园塔和沃兹岛的曼哈顿侧。营养,细菌,多氯联苯(PCB)和鱼类食用安全性已得到分析。结果表明,在暴雨期间,磷,氨的浓度以及大肠菌群,大肠杆菌,肠球菌的水平显着增加。在2014年7月2日的亚瑟热带风暴和2013年5月的暴雨中,氨气浓度高达2.725 mg / L;在2011年4月的雷暴天气中,可溶性反应性磷(SRP)或正磷酸盐的氨气浓度高达0.197 mg / L。对于纽约市(NYC)的水,这两种营养素均超出了EPA规定的氨(0.23 mg / L)和磷酸盐(0.033 mg / L)的规定。 2014年7月的热带风暴亚瑟和2014年4月的暴雨期间,粪大肠菌群的菌落超过500万MPN / 100ml(最有可能的百毫升数),7月和11月的暴风雨期间,粪便大肠菌群的菌落超过10,000 MPN / 100ml。 2013年11月; E.Coli在2013年5月的热带风暴亚瑟(Arthur)和风暴中达到了超过5000 MPN / 100ml;在2014年4月的热带风暴亚瑟和暴雨中,肠球菌达到10,000 MPN / 100ml以上。哈林河中的这些细菌(病原体)水平显着高于EPA标准(粪大肠菌群:200 MPN / 100ml,大肠杆菌:126 MPN) / 100毫升,肠球菌:104 MPN / 100毫升),尤其是在暴雨/热带风暴期间。尤其重要的是,在2012年10月下旬飓风桑迪摧毁纽约市前后,对营养物质和细菌进行了分析。结果确定,在这场巨大的暴风雨之后,细菌和氨气的浓度增加了,从而阐明了大暴风雨对环境的影响。 PCB 11(3,3'-dichlorobiphenyl,C12H8Cl2)是高分子量(MW),它是纽约市港口水域污水和雨水径流的指标,是哈林河中的主要多氯联苯(PCBs)。多氯联苯具有致癌性,可通过食物链从鱼类和海鲜中生物富集,危害公共健康。牡蛎养殖已被用于净化水质和改善河流中的水质。民间组织和雨水径流使水质下降,并威胁着环境生态系统和公共健康。这项研究将帮助当地社区了解公民社会组织对养分,细菌,多氯联苯污染和鱼类消费安全的影响,并为减少公民社会组织做出贡献,并改善哈林河的水质和环境生态系统。



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