首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. >An Epidemiological Study of Confirmed H1N1 Admitted Cases in an Infectious Disease Hospital, Pune

An Epidemiological Study of Confirmed H1N1 Admitted Cases in an Infectious Disease Hospital, Pune




Background: Pune was at the epicenter of In-fluenza A (H1N1) epidemic that struck thecountry during the middle of 2009. Initially allthe persons with a positive PCR test for H1N1were customarily admitted to the infectiousdisease hospital; but later on the facility foradmission of severe category of patients wasmade available at two other hospitals in Punecity. Objectives: To know the epidemiologicalfeatures of Influenza A (H1N1) during the ini-tial stages of the epidemic. Method and Mate-rials: All the patients admitted to the infectiousdisease hospital during June-October 2009 witha confirmed Influenza A (H1N1) PCR test wereconsidered for the study. Statistical analysis:Mean, SD, Inter-quartile Range, Chi-square.Results: Less than 30 years comprised 87.6percent and students were in majority (63.38%) out of the total 284 patients studied. Themean duration of illness for H1N1 was 6.8 days(inter-quartile range of 5-8 days). The clinicalpicture was almost similar in both male and fe-male patients. Co-morbid conditions were ob-served in 15.8 percent patients. The complica-tion rate in patients with respiratory co-mor-bid conditions was significantly higher. Initially,the proportion of patients with history of for-eign travel was high; later on their proportiondecreased to a very low level while an increasein the proportion of patients with history ofcontact with a known H1N1 patient was ob-served as the epidemic progressed. Nearly halfof the families had not taken Oseltamivirchemoprophylaxis while 35.6 percent patientswere administered Oseltamivir within 48 hrs ofstarting of symptoms. There was no mortalityin the patients studied. Conclusions: A studyof 284 confirmed cases of Influenza A (H1N1)in Pune city showed epidemiological featuresof the disease such as age, gender, history ofcontact, foreign travel, co-morbidity and com-plication rate and the oseltamivir prophylaxis.
机译:背景:浦那处于2009年中期袭击该国的甲型流感(H1N1)流行的中心。最初,通常所有H1N1 PCR检测呈阳性的人都被送入传染病医院;但是后来在Punecity的另外两家医院提供了允许重症患者入院的设施。目的:了解甲型H1N1流感在流行初期的流行病学特征。方法和材料:所有在2009年6月至10月期间入院传染病医院且确诊为甲型H1N1 PCR的患者均纳入研究范围。统计分析:平均数,标准差,四分位数间距,卡方。结果:研究的284名患者中,不到30岁的占87.6%,学生占多数(63.38%)。 H1N1疾病的主题病程为6.8天(四分位间距为5-8天)。男性和女性患者的临床表现几乎相似。在15.8%的患者中观察到并存病。呼吸道合并症患者的并发症发生率明显更高。最初,有外国旅行史的患者比例很高;后来,随着流行病的发展,他们的比例下降到非常低的水平,而与已知H1N1病史有接触史的患者比例却有所增加。几乎有一半的家庭没有进行Oseltamivir的化学预防,而35.6%的患者在症状开始后48小时内接受了Oseltamivir的治疗。在研究的患者中没有死亡率。结论:对浦那市284例确诊的甲型H1N1流感病例的研究显示了该病的流行病学特征,如年龄,性别,接触史,出国旅行,合并症和并发症发生率以及奥司他韦的预防。



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