首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean medical science. >Risk Factors for Functional Constipation in Young Children Attending Daycare Centers

Risk Factors for Functional Constipation in Young Children Attending Daycare Centers




Our objective was to determine the risk factors associated with the development of functional constipation (FC) in young children attending daycare centers. A cross-sectional survey using a questionnaire based on the Rome III criteria was conducted in children aged 25 to 84 months from 3 randomly selected daycare centers in January 2016. The items in a questionnaire were statistically compared in the constipated and non-constipated groups. A total of 212 children were included and FC was found in 8.5%. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that maternal history of constipation (odds ratio [OR] = 4.1, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.2-13.9), history of painful defecation before age 1 (OR = 10.4, 95% CI 1.1-101.3), history of painful defecation during toilet training (OR = 28.9, 95% CI 1.9-423.8), no or difficult defecation at a daycare center (OR = 5,804.6, 95% CI 134.4-250,718.4), no meat consumption (OR = 10.1, 95% CI 1.2-88.1), and 500 mL or less of water intake per day (OR = 9.9, 95% CI 0.9-99.5) were powerful predictors of FC in young children ( P
机译:我们的目标是确定与在日托中心就读的幼儿功能性便秘(FC)发生相关的危险因素。 2016年1月,从3个随机选择的日托中心对年龄在25至84个月的儿童进行了横断面调查,调查采用的是罗马III标准。在便秘组和非便秘组中,对问卷中的项目进行了统计比较。总共包括212名儿童,发现FC的比例为8.5%。多元逻辑回归分析显示,便秘的母亲史(几率[OR] = 4.1,95%的置信区间[CI] 1.2-13.9),1岁之前的痛苦排便史(OR = 10.4、95%CI 1.1-101.3) ,上厕所训练时出现排便疼痛的病史(OR = 28.9,95%CI 1.9-423.8),日托中心没有排便困难或排便困难(OR = 5,804.6,95%CI 134.4-250,718.4),没有肉食(OR = 10.1, 95%CI 1.2-88.1)和每天500毫升或更少的饮水量(OR = 9.9,95%CI 0.9-99.5)是幼儿FC的有力预测指标(P



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