首页> 外文期刊>Journal of limnology >The population biology and life history traits of Eurasian ruffe [Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), Pisces: Percidae] introduced into eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes in Northern Italy

The population biology and life history traits of Eurasian ruffe [Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), Pisces: Percidae] introduced into eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes in Northern Italy

机译:引入意大利北部富营养化和贫营养化湖泊的欧亚褐斑鱼[Gymnocephalus cernuus(L.),双鱼座:Percidae]的种群生物学和生活史特征



We describe the population biology and life-history traits of two Eurasian ruffe [Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), Pisces: Percidae] populations which have recently colonised two small lakes in the lake Maggiore catchment of Northern Italy, the eutrophic lake (l.) Ghirla (ruffe first recorded in the early 1990s) and the oligotrophic lake (l.) Mergozzo (ruffe first recorded during the present sampling in 2010). Survey gill net catches revealed that ruffe has become one of the most abundant fish species in both lakes. Relative weight and weight-length relationships indicated better growth of ruffe in l. Mergozzo. Thus, gonad weight, adjusted for body size, was higher in l. Mergozzo, indicating a stronger individual reproductive potential in the more recently colonised lake. The stomach contents of ruffe were dominated by chironomid larvae and other benthic organisms, while pelagic microcrustaceans only occurred in small amounts. The ratio of benthic vs pelagic prey in the diet increased with ruffe size. Ruffe intraspecific food niche overlap (based on prey numbers) between age classes was slightly higher in oligotrophic l. Mergozzo than in eutrophic l. Ghirla and decreased with age in both lakes
机译:我们描述了最近在意大利北部马焦雷湖集水区(富营养化湖)的两个小湖定居的两个欧亚褐红(Gymnocephalus cernuus(L.),双鱼座:Percidae]种群的种群生物学和生活史特征。 Ghirla(ruffe在1990年代初首次记录)和贫营养湖(l。)Mergozzo(ruffe在目前的2010年采样中首次记录)。调查g网的渔获量表明,ruffe已成为两个湖泊中最丰富的鱼类之一。相对重量和重量-长度关系表明ruffe的生长更好。 Mergozzo。因此,根据体型调整的性腺重量在l中较高。 Mergozzo,表明在最近定居的湖泊中个体繁殖力较强。 ruffe的胃内容物主要是被尺虫幼虫和其他底栖生物所占据,而上层微甲壳动物仅少量发生。日粮中底栖动物与上层捕食者的比例随着棕褐色大小的增加而增加。贫营养型个体间Ruffe种内食物生态位重叠(基于猎物数量)略高。 Mergozzo比富营养化中的l。在两个湖泊中,吉拉(Ghirla)并随年龄而减少



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