首页> 外文期刊>Journal of limnology >Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae) in freshwater reservoir ecosystems: importance of maximum water depth and macrophyte beds for avoidance of fish predation

Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae) in freshwater reservoir ecosystems: importance of maximum water depth and macrophyte beds for avoidance of fish predation




In empirical studies, Cladocera is commonly utilized as a primary food source for predators such as fish, thus, predator avoidance are important strategies to sustain their population in freshwater ecosystems. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that water depth is an important factor in determining the spatial distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum Liévin, 1848 in response to fish predation. Quarterly monitoring was implemented at three water layers ( i.e. , water surface and middle and bottom layers) in 21 reservoirs located in the southeastern part of South Korea. D. brachyurum individuals were frequently observed at the study sites and exhibited different spatial patterns of distribution in accordance with the maximum depth of the reservoirs. In the reservoirs with a maximum depth of more than 6 m, high densities of D. brachyurum were observed in the bottom layers; however, in the shallower reservoirs (maximum depth <6 m), D. brachyurum were concentrated in the surface layer. Moreover, during additional surveys, we observed a trend in which D. brachyurum densities increased as the maximum depth or macrophyte biomass increased. Gut contents analysis revealed that predatory fishes in each reservoir frequently consumed D. brachyurum ; however, the consumption rate abruptly decreased in reservoirs where the maximum depth was more than 11 m or in the shallow reservoirs supporting a macrophyte bed. Interestingly, the reservoirs more than 11-m depth supported high densities of D. brachyurum in the bottom layer and in the surface macrophyte bed. Based on these results, reservoirs with a maximum depth of more than 11 m or those with a macrophyte bed may provide a refuge for D. brachyurum to avoid fish predation. Compared with other cladoceran species, D. brachyurum readily exploits various types of refugia (in this study, the deep layer or surface macrophyte bed), which may help explain why this species is abundant in various types of reservoirs.
机译:在实证研究中,克拉多菌通常被用作鱼类等捕食者的主要食物来源,因此,避免捕食者是在淡水生态系统中维持其种群数量的重要策略。在这项研究中,我们检验了以下假设:水深是确定Brachyurum Lichyvin,1848年对鱼类捕食的空间分布的重要因素。在位于韩国东南部的21个水库中的三个水层(即水面以及中层和底层)进行了季度监测。在研究地点经常观察到短枝线虫D. brachyurum个体,并根据水库的最大深度展现出不同的空间分布格局。在最大深度超过6 m的储层中,在底层发现了高密度的D. brachyurum。但是,在较浅的储层中(最大深度<6 m),短枝线虫D. brachyurum集中在表层。此外,在其他调查中,我们观察到随着最大深度或大型植物生物量的增加,短枝线虫的密度增加的趋势。肠内容物分析表明,每个水库中的掠食性鱼类经常食用短吻线虫。但是,在最大深度超过11 m的水库或支撑大型植物床的浅水库中,消耗率突然降低。有趣的是,深度超过11 m的储层在底层和表生植物床中支持了高密度的D. brachyurum。根据这些结果,最大深度超过11 m的水库或具有大型植物床的水库可为短枝线虫提供避难所,避免鱼类被捕食。与其他枝角类物种相比,短臂梭菌容易开发各种类型的避难所(在本研究中为深层或表面大型植物床),这可能有助于解释为什么该物种在各种类型的水库中都丰富。



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