首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Science >Abundance and Frequency of the Asiatic Oak Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Defoliation on American, Chinese, and Hybrid Chestnut (Castanea)

Abundance and Frequency of the Asiatic Oak Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Defoliation on American, Chinese, and Hybrid Chestnut (Castanea)




The Asiatic oak weevil, Cyrtepistomus castaneus Roelofs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a nonnative defoliator of trees in the Fagaceae family in the United States but has not been studied on Castanea species in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Planted trees of Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. (Fagales: Fagaceae), Castanea mollissima Blume (Fagales: Fagaceae), and four hybrid breeding generations were evaluated in 2012 for insect defoliation and C. castaneus abundance and frequency. Defoliation was visually assessed throughout the growing season at two sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains (western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee). C. castaneus abundance and frequency were monitored on trees using beat sheets and emergence was recorded from ground traps. Asiatic oak weevils were more abundant and more frequently collected on American chestnut ( Ca. dentata ) and its most closely related BC3F3 hybrid generation than on the Asian species Ca. mollissima. In most months, C. castaneus colonization of hybrid generations was not significantly different than colonization of parental species . Frequency data for C. castaneus suggested that adults were distributed relatively evenly throughout the study sites rather than in dense clusters. Emergence of C. castaneus was significantly higher under a canopy dominated by Quercus species than under non- Quercus species or open sky. C. castaneus emergence began in May and peaked in late June and early July. These results may be useful for resource managers trying to restore blight-resistant chestnut to the Southern Appalachians while minimizing herbivory by insect pests.
机译:亚洲橡树象鼻虫Cyrtepistomus castaneus Roelofs(鞘翅目:Curculionidae)是美国Fagaceae族的非本地落叶树,但尚未对阿巴拉契亚山脉南部的Castanea种类进行过研究。锥栗(沼泽)博尔赫种的树。 (Fagales:牛鞭草科),Castanea mollissima Blume(Fagales:牛鞭草科)和四个杂种繁殖世代在2012年评估了昆虫的脱叶和Castaneus C.castaneus的丰度和发生频率。在整个生长季节,通过视觉评估了阿巴拉契亚山脉南部(北卡罗来纳州西部和田纳西州东部)的两个地点的落叶。使用节拍板在树上监测cast树的丰度和频率,并记录地势陷阱的出现。亚洲栗象鼻虫(Ca. dentata)及其与其最密切相关的BC 3 F 3 杂种世代比亚洲品种Ca更为丰富,且收集频率更高。 mollissima。在大多数月份中,杂种世代的C. castaneus殖民地与亲本物种的殖民地没有显着差异。 cast树的频率数据表明,成虫在整个研究地点分布相对均匀,而不是密集的集群。在栎属种类占主导地位的树冠下,栗树的出现要比非栎属种类或开阔天空下的高。 C. castaneus的出现从5月开始,并在6月下旬和7月初达到顶峰。这些结果对于试图将抗枯萎的栗子恢复到南部阿巴拉契亚山脉的资源管理者,同时最大程度减少虫害的食草性,可能是有用的。



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