首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Biodiversity >Ground-dwelling ant assemblages (Family: Formicidae) in six coconut (Cocos nucifera L. 1753) plantations in Sri Lanka

Ground-dwelling ant assemblages (Family: Formicidae) in six coconut (Cocos nucifera L. 1753) plantations in Sri Lanka

机译:斯里兰卡六个椰子(Cocos nucifera L.1753)人工林的地面蚂蚁组合(科:蚁科)



The contribution of six well-established coconut plantations to the conservation of biodiversity, specifically of ants, was investigated using soil sifting, timed hand collection and honey baiting along five, 100 m transects established in each plantation. Twenty honey-baited pitfall traps were set throughout each sampling area of each plantation. Collected worker ants were preserved in 70% ethanol and sorted and identified to the furthest possible taxonomic levels under a low-power stereo-microscope. The ant species observed at the five transects in each plantation were tabulated and species richness and proportional abundance of each species at each plantation were recorded. The Shannon-Wiener Diversity index for the ant assemblage at each plantation was calculated. Air and soil temperature, soil humidity and soil pH at each locality were also measured. A diverse ant assemblage occurred at each plantation, where between 19 and 29 species in 4 or 5 subfamilies were recorded; the Shannon-Wiener diversity index values were determined. Higher proportions of formicines and myrmicines than those of other subfamilies were observed. Two or more species in higher proportions than the rest of the ants occurred in each assemblage. Also, the six plantations shared three species and five plantations shared nine species in common. The considerable diversity of ants indicated a healthy environment and provided insight into the presence of other animals in the well-established coconut plantations.
机译:使用土壤筛分,定时采集和蜂蜜诱饵沿着每个种植园中建立的五个100 m样带调查了六个成熟的椰子种植园对生物多样性(特别是蚂蚁)保护的贡献。在每个人工林的每个采样区域内设置了二十个诱饵陷阱。将收集的工蚁保存在70%的乙醇中,并在低功率立体显微镜下分类并鉴定到尽可能高的生物分类水平。将在每个人工林的五个样带处观察到的蚂蚁物种制成表格,并记录每个人工林中每个物种的物种丰富度和比例丰度。计算了每个人工林中蚂蚁组合的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数。还测量了每个地方的空气和土壤温度,土壤湿度和土壤pH值。每个人工林都有不同种类的蚂蚁聚集,记录了4个或5个亚科中的19至29种。确定了香农-维纳多样性指数值。观察到甲酸和桃金娘碱的比例高于其他亚科。在每个组合中出现了两种或两种以上比例高于其余蚂蚁的物种。另外,六个种植园共有3种,五个种植园共有9种。蚂蚁种类繁多,表明环境健康,为深入了解椰子园中其他动物的存在提供了见识。



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