首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Science >Body Size, Rather Than Male Eye Allometry, Explains Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Activity in Low Light

Body Size, Rather Than Male Eye Allometry, Explains Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Activity in Low Light




Male Chrysomya megacephala (F.) blow fly compound eyes contain an unusual area of enlarged dorsal facets believed to allow for increased light capture. This region is absent in females and has been hypothesized to aid in mate tracking in low light conditions or at greater distances. Many traits used in the attraction and capture of mates are allometric, growing at different rates relative to body size. Previous reports concerning C. megacephala eye properties did not include measurements of body size, making the relationship between the specialized eye region and body size unclear. We examined different morphological features of the eye among individuals of varying sizes. We found total eye size scaled proportionately to body size, but the number of enlarged dorsal facets increased as body size increased. This demonstrated that larger males have an eye that is morphologically different than smaller males. On the basis of external morphology, we hypothesized that since larger males have larger and a greater number of dorsally enlarged facets, and these facets are believed to allow for increased light capture, larger males would be active in lower light levels than smaller males and females of equal size. In a laboratory setting, larger males were observed to become active earlier in the morning than smaller males, although they did not remain active later in the evening. However, females followed the same pattern at similar light levels suggesting that overall body size rather than specialized male eye morphology is responsible for increased activity under low light conditions.
机译:雄性Chrysomya megacephala(F.)蝇蝇复眼包含一个不寻常的背侧小面区域,据信这可以增加光捕获。雌性不存在该区域,并被认为有助于在弱光条件下或更远距离进行配偶追踪。吸引和捕捉伴侣时使用的许多特征都是异形的,相对于体型以不同的速率生长。先前有关巨头念珠菌眼睛特性的报告并未包括对身体大小的测量,这使得专门的眼睛区域与身体大小之间的关系不清楚。我们检查了大小不同的个体之间眼睛的不同形态特征。我们发现眼睛的总大小与体型成正比,但背侧小面的数量随体型的增加而增加。这表明,较大的男性的眼睛与较小的男性在形态上有所不同。根据外部形态,我们假设由于较大的雄性具有较大的背侧小面,并且这些小面可以增加光的捕获,因此较大的雄性在较小的光照下会比较小的雄性和雌性活跃。大小相等。在实验室环境中,观察到较大的雄性比较小的雄性在早晨更早开始活动,尽管他们没有在傍晚保持活动。然而,雌性在相似的光照水平下遵循相同的模式,这表明,在弱光条件下,整体大小而不是专门的雄性眼睛形态是导致活动增加的原因。



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