首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection >Assessment of Groundwater Suitability for Drinking and Irrigation Purpose in the Dimbhe Command Area of River Ghod, Maharashtra, India

Assessment of Groundwater Suitability for Drinking and Irrigation Purpose in the Dimbhe Command Area of River Ghod, Maharashtra, India




The management of the subsurface and surface waterresources is important for various purposes. Since the quantity and quality ofwater available for irrigation in India is variable from place to place,groundwater quality in the Dimbhe command area was evaluated for itssuitability for domestic and irrigation purposes bycollecting 37 dug well samples during the post monsoon period of 2014. Thesuitability assessment was made by estimating pH, electrical conductivity,total dissolved solids, and alkalinity besides major cations (Na+, K+,Ca2+, and Mg2+) and anions (, Cl-, , and?). Outof 37 groundwater samples, 5.41% represents good water, 62.16% indicate poorwater, 29.73% indicate very poor water and 2.7% indicate water unsuitable fordomestic purposes. Based on these analyses, irrigation quality parameters like,sodium absorption ratio, permeability index, Kelley’s ratio, soluble sodiumpercentage, residual sodium carbonate, %Mg, %Na, and Mg hazard ratio werecalculated. Assessment of groundwater samples indicated that majority of themin both the seasons are suitable for irrigation purposes.
机译:对于各种目的,地下和地表水资源的管理很重要。由于印度可用于灌溉的水的数量和质量因地而异,因此在Dimbhe指挥区的地下水质量在2014年季风后期间通过收集37个挖井样品进行了评估,以适合其生活用水和灌溉目的。通过估算pH,导电率,总溶解固体和碱度(主要阳离子(Na +,K +,Ca2 +和Mg2 +)和阴离子(,Cl-,和?)除外)制成。在37个地下水样本中,有5.41%表示好水,62.16%表示差的水,29.73%表示差的水,而2.7%表示不适合家用的水。根据这些分析,计算出灌溉质量参数,如钠吸收率,渗透率指数,Kelley比率,可溶性钠百分比,残留碳酸钠,%Mg,%Na和Mg危害比。对地下水样品的评估表明,两个季节的大部分时间都适合灌溉。



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