首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing >Medicine in Shakespearean Plays: Compilation of Descriptions of Clinical Features and Pathophysiology

Medicine in Shakespearean Plays: Compilation of Descriptions of Clinical Features and Pathophysiology




William Shakespeare’s plays provide an invaluable compendium of medical terminology in the form of brief to detailed descriptions of clinical features and pathophysiology of various medical conditions. Shakespeare’s ability to describe dysfunctions of the human body and mind is astounding and has remained so for almost four centuries. The afflictions appear in the characters of kings, princes’ and commoners in his plays and their clinical features described in verse are more or less true even to this day. The aim of this study is to present a comprehensive compilation of medical afflictions from Shakespearean plays in alphabetical order containing verses that specifically depict clinical features, pathophysiology of medical conditions and medical ethics, and to provide short clinical explanations of relevance of passages in modern times as appropriate. Most passages do not reflect on the clinical conditions of actual patients, but deal with figurative expressions, drawn from clinical relevance in medicine during the Shakespearean era and used figuratively by the bard to illustrate those expressions through characters in the plays.
机译:威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的戏剧以简要到详细描述各种医学状况的临床特征和病理生理学的形式,提供了宝贵的医学术语纲要。莎士比亚描述人体和心灵功能障碍的能力令人震惊,并且在过去四个世纪中一直如此。这种痛苦以国王,王子和平民的角色出现在他的剧本中,经文所描述的临床特征直到今天仍或多或少是真实的。这项研究的目的是按字母顺序提供莎士比亚戏剧中的医学苦难综合汇编,其中包含具体描述临床特征,医学状况的病理生理学和医学伦理学的经文,并提供有关现代段落相关性的简短临床解释,例如适当。大多数段落并没有反映实际患者的临床情况,而是处理象征性表达,这些表达是根据莎士比亚时代在医学上的临床相关性得出的,被吟游诗人通过戏剧中的人物形象地表达出来。



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