首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment >Long-term ecological impacts of harvesting non-timber forest products on tree species diversity at the periphery of Mbam and Djerem National Park, Cameroon

Long-term ecological impacts of harvesting non-timber forest products on tree species diversity at the periphery of Mbam and Djerem National Park, Cameroon




Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) strongly contribute to livelihood security of forest-adjacent communities. This study examined the impacts of their harvesting on tree species diversity at the periphery of Mbam and Djerem National Park (Cameroon). Tree species diversity, with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 10 cm, was analyzed in small plots (10 × 100 m) along seven 1-ha transects. Species diversity and floristic composition of undisturbed and disturbed sites were compared in order to obtain an indication of the impact of harvesting NTFPs. A total of 1294 stems was recorded, representing 99 species, 96 genera and 36 families. Shannon diversity index values were highest in undisturbed sites (H’ > 3.5 bits), and lower in disturbed sites (H’ < 3.5 bits). Analysis of variance showed significant differences in mean diversity measures between the two sites (p = 0.047). Mean number of stems cut within the disturbed sites was 15.5 ± 5.5 stems ha-1. The park’s region was found to be rich in Euphorbiaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Annonaceae. The survey highlighted the effectiveness of harvesting NTFPs in the region and its impacts on tree species diversity. Efforts should be made more in order to improve the protection of the park, and the development of a suitable regional conservation of biodiversity.
机译:非木材林产品(NTFP)极大地促进了邻近森林社区的生计安全。这项研究检查了采伐对姆巴姆和杰里姆国家公园(喀麦隆)外围树木物种多样性的影响。沿着七个1公顷样带的小样地(10×100 m)分析了直径在胸高(dbh)≥10 cm的树木物种多样性。比较了未受干扰和受干扰地点的物种多样性和植物区系组成,以表明收获NTFP的影响。总共记录了1294个茎,代表99种,96属和36个科。香农多样性指数值在不受干扰的站点中最高(H'> 3.5位),在受干扰的站点中较低(H'<3.5位)。方差分析显示两个站点之间的平均多样性测度有显着差异(p = 0.047)。在受干扰部位切出的茎的平均数量为15.5±5.5个茎ha-1。发现该公园的区域盛产大戟科,Ca子科和番荔枝科。该调查强调了该地区收获非木材林产品的有效性及其对树种多样性的影响。应该加大力度,以改善公园的保护,并发展适当的区域性生物多样性保护区。



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