首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geology & Geophysics >Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Geophagic Clays from Share Area,Northern Bida Sedimentary Basin,Nigeria

Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Geophagic Clays from Share Area,Northern Bida Sedimentary Basin,Nigeria




The Share area occurs within the northern Bida Sedimentary Basin in Nigeria. The focus is on the geological settings, mineralogical and chemical compositions of Share geophagic clays with the aim of inferring their depositional environments, provenance and possible human health implications. The field method include collection of representative samples at appropriate clay stratum and the samples of the geophagic clays were subjected to petrographic, X-Ray fluorescence and X-Ray diffraction analyses. XRD revealed that Geophagic clays are polymineralic and the main reflections of the clay minerals identified were kaolinite, nacrite, gibbsite and dickite. The peaks of other traces are hematite, quartz and pyrite. Geochemical data indicated that geophagic clays composed of SiO2 content ranging from 64.40% to 46.30%, Al2O3 values varies from 36.54% to 20.54%, Fe2O3 values varies from 4.71% to 1.42%, MgO content varies from 0.08% to 0.06%, CaO ranges between 1.30% and 0.03%, TiO2 values varies from 9.17% to 0.20%, and MnO content ranges from 0.631%. to 0.09%. These values indicate that the geophagic clays are essentially siliceous aluminosilicates. The presence of sedimentary structures typical of tidal sedimentation, low abundance of MgO and K2O indicate lack of expandable clays, and the presence of ironstones further attests to abundant oxygen due to sub aerial exposure resulting to the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. The presence of basal conglomerate, rootlets structures, iron capping, fining upward sequence and abundances of kaolinite indicate a fluvial (continental) sedimentation. Geophagic clays may introduce metals like Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Ti, and Zr to the gastro-intestinal system of consumers, causing adverse effects like increase in the gastro-intestinal pH, and the binding of plant toxins and pathogens which create a surfacial coating on the stomach with inferred pharmaceutical implications. Negative impact of ingesting geophagic clays may lead to electrolyte disturbance, intestinal obstruction, constipation, hypertension, peritonitis, eclampsia, iron deficiency, anemia, microbiological infections, helminthiasis and heavy metal poisoning while coarse sandy quartz particles in the clays could affect dental enamel and also lead to the possible rupturing of the Sigmoid colon due to the abrasive nature of the particles.
机译:共享区位于尼日利亚北部的比达沉积盆地内。重点是Share地相粘土的地质环境,矿物学和化学组成,目的是推断其沉积环境,物源和可能对人类健康的影响。现场方法包括在适当的粘土地层收集代表性样品,并对地相粘土样品进行岩石学,X射线荧光和X射线衍射分析。 X射线衍射表明,地相粘土是多矿物的,识别出的粘土矿物的主要反射是高岭石,珍珠陶土,菱镁矿和地开辉石。其他痕迹的峰是赤铁矿,石英和黄铁矿。地球化学数据表明,由SiO2含量范围为64.40%至46.30%,Al2O3值范围为36.54%至20.54%,Fe2O3值范围为4.71%至1.42%,MgO含量范围为0.08%至0.06%,CaO组成的地相粘土在1.30%至0.03%之间,TiO 2值在9.17%至0.20%之间变化,并且MnO含量在0.631%之间。至0.09%。这些值表明,地相粘土基本上是硅质铝硅酸盐。潮汐沉积典型的沉积结构的存在,MgO和K2O的低丰度表明缺乏可膨胀的粘土,铁矿的存在进一步证明了充足的氧气,这是由于亚空中暴露导致Fe2 +氧化为Fe3 +。基底砾岩的存在,小根结构,铁帽的覆盖,细化的向上顺序和高岭石的丰度表明河流(大陆)沉积。地相粘土可能将铁,锌,铜,镍,钛和锆等金属引入消费者的肠胃系统,引起不利影响,例如肠胃pH值升高,以及植物毒素和病原体的结合,从而形成一种有害物质。推断出胃部的表面涂层对药物的影响。摄入吞噬性粘土的负面影响可能导致电解质紊乱,肠梗阻,便秘,高血压,腹膜炎,子痫,铁缺乏症,贫血,微生物感染,蠕虫病和重金属中毒,而粘土中的粗砂石英颗粒可能会影响牙釉质,并且由于颗粒的磨蚀性,可能导致乙状结肠破裂。



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