首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geology & Geophysics >Composite Geophysical Study Comprising Gravity, Magnetic, and Resistivity Surveys to Delineate Basement Salt Deposits Near Jabbar Nala East of Kherwa Gorge, Pakistan

Composite Geophysical Study Comprising Gravity, Magnetic, and Resistivity Surveys to Delineate Basement Salt Deposits Near Jabbar Nala East of Kherwa Gorge, Pakistan

机译:包括重力,磁和电阻率测量的综合地球物理研究,描绘了巴​​基斯坦克赫瓦峡谷东部Jabbar Nala附近的地下盐矿床



A composite geophysical survey has been carried out comprising gravity, magnetic, and resistivity surveys for delineation of salt deposits, thickness of overburden and basement depth over an area of 631 acres near Jabbar Nala east of Khewra Gorge, Sodi, Pakistan. The survey is carried out on the girded pattern of 100 x 100 meters; however, some variability in coverage tends to exist due to the existence of high hills topography. Present research revealed that salt deposits exist within the depth of 75~100 meters at specific locations in the extreme northeast and northwest. Most of the anomalous zones fall in this area is analogous when these three surveys are explored and comprehensive analysis performed. Existing excavated area of salt mine also exists in the northeast where the strong Bouguer gravity, magnetic, and resistivity anomalies have been superimposed, however, anomalous zone extents further in the northeast. Gravity, magnetic, modeling has been carried out along the anomalous zones comprising cross-sections of AA’, BB’ and CC’. However, for further confirmation of the results, a test bore of 90~120 meters depth needs to be drilled at the recommended anomalous zones (Zone B and Zone C).
机译:进行了一项综合的地球物理勘测,包括重力,磁力和电阻率勘测,用于描绘巴基斯坦索迪Khewra峡谷以东Jabbar Nala附近631英亩区域内盐矿的沉积,覆盖层厚度和基底深度。测量是在100 x 100米的网状图案上进行的;但是,由于高丘陵地形的存在,覆盖范围存在一定的变异性。目前的研究表明,在东北和西北部的特定位置,盐沉积存在于75〜100米的深度内。当探索这三个调查并进行综合分析时,该区域的大多数异常区域都是类似的。东北还存在盐矿的现有开挖区域,该地区布格重力,磁和电阻率异常异常强烈叠加,但是东北异常区域范围进一步扩大。重力,磁性建模已沿着异常区域进行,该区域包括AA′,BB′和CC′的横截面。但是,为了进一步确认结果,需要在建议的异常区域(B区和C区)钻一个90-120米深度的测试孔。



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